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A few weeks ago, Ryujin had suggested to her boss to do a series of articles about anonymous people related to the entertainment and cultural industry: theater and musical actors, singers who only filled small theaters, or even sang in the street, independent producers... And, of course, her plans also included dancers, and if everything went as she wanted, that dancer would be Yeji.

So when they met again, Ryujin was thrilled and very excited to present the idea to Yeji, and see if she would agree to it. The short-haired girl had sent her a message asking her if, after finishing her shift at the café, she would have some free time to stop by her office before going home. Yeji found it odd that she asked her to come to her office, but decided not to jump to any kind of conclusion and simply told her that she would be there.

“Aren't you looking forward to it, Yeddeong?” She asked Yeji after explaining the reason why she had required her presence in her office. The cat-eyed woman had been quiet, analyzing in her head the information her girlfriend had just provided her with.

“Of course I'm looking forward to it, love. But I am not a member of any dance studio and, as a consequence, I don't have any performances coming up.” She explained. “How are you going to pull off an interesting article on dancing from a dancer who doesn't perform anymore?”

“Just because you're in that situation right now doesn't make you any less of a dancer.” Ryujin was certainly right, and Yeji knew it, since, above all else, she would always feel like a dancer, whether she was involved in it to a smaller or bigger extent. “Trust me, I'm very good at my job.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” She said firmly, showing confidence in her. “You are very good at so many things...” She smiled mischievously.

“Yeddeong...” Ryujin said with a warning tone.

“What?” She said putting on an innocent face.

“It's only been a little more than a week since we got back together. We talked about taking it one step at a time, remember?”

“I know, you're right.” She said apologetically. “But now that I've learned to see my situation in a different perspective, I don't know if I want to go slow anymore.”

“Baby, watch what you're saying.” She warned again. “You know I'll do anything to make you happy, so don't joke about something like that.”

“I'm not joking...” Yeji bit her lip, she herself was being surprised at her own attitude change. When Ryujin assured her that they would take it one step at a time, it seemed like the best option as her insecurities made her think that she shouldn't get carried away like she had in the past. But now that she felt more confident with herself being around Ryujin, she was starting to think that slowing down was a bad idea. “If we weren't in your office, I don't think I could hold back.”

“Tell that to your friend Lia.” The short-haired one muttered.

“What?” Yeji asked quizzically at the change in conversation.

“I caught your friend and my friend about to do it in Ryeong's office the other day.” She informed her, suppressing her laughter.

“Why am I not surprised?” She laughed.

“I was, and now I'm scarred for life.” Ryujin laughed with her.

Yeji got up from her chair in front of Ryujin's desk and walked around it. She then moved Ryujin's chair away from said desk and sat on her lap, wrapping her arms around the short-haired woman's neck after removing her glasses. Ryujin watched every movement without saying anything, she put her hands on the cat-eyed woman's waist and took a deep breath when she brought her lips close to hers but without kissing her.

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