Under the Falling Stars - Two

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The days passed slowly for Clara, each one dragging on as she anticipated the weekend. She found herself thinking about Nora often, replaying their first encounter under the stars. There was something about Nora that felt different, like they were destined to meet. When Saturday finally arrived, Clara gathered her stargazing equipment with a mix of excitement and nervous energy.

The sky was clear again, promising a perfect view for the meteor shower. Clara arrived at the field just as the last light of the sunset faded away, leaving the sky a deep, velvety blue. She set up her telescope and laid out the blanket, the same one she and Nora had shared a few nights ago.

Clara didn't have to wait long. She heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Nora, her smile as bright as the first time they met. "Hey, Clara," she called out, waving.

"Hi, Nora! You made it," Clara replied, feeling her heart lift at the sight of her new friend.

Nora settled down beside Clara on the blanket, looking up at the sky. "I wouldn't miss this for anything. How have you been?"

"Good, mostly," Clara said, adjusting the focus on her telescope. "I've been looking forward to tonight."

"Me too," Nora said, her voice soft and sincere. "It's nice to have someone to share this with."

They fell into a comfortable silence, both of them gazing up at the stars. The first meteors began to streak across the sky, leaving trails of light in their wake. Clara pointed out a particularly bright one, and they both watched in awe.

"Make a wish," Nora said, her eyes twinkling.

Clara closed her eyes for a moment, wishing for more nights like this, for the bond between them to grow. When she opened her eyes, she saw Nora watching her, a curious expression on her face.

"What did you wish for?" Nora asked, her voice a whisper.

"I can't tell you, or it won't come true," Clara teased, smiling. "What about you? Did you make a wish?"

Nora nodded, looking back up at the sky. "I did. But I guess we'll have to wait and see if it comes true."

As more meteors lit up the night, Clara felt a deep sense of connection to Nora. They talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories from their lives, dreams for the future, and fears that kept them awake at night.

"It's been hard, adjusting to a new place," Nora admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "But nights like this make it worth it."

Clara reached out and squeezed Nora's hand. "I'm glad you found me out here."

Nora smiled, her eyes glistening in the starlight. "I feel the same way. It was really lonely these past few weeks, I needed someone."

The meteor shower continued, each streak of light a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the small but significant connection they had found. Hours passed, and the temperature dropped. Nora shivered, and Clara instinctively moved closer, sharing her warmth.

"We should probably head back soon," Clara said. "It's getting late."

"Yeah," Nora agreed, but neither of them moved right away. They sat there a while longer, savoring the moment.

Eventually, they packed up the telescope and blanket, walking back toward the town. The streets were quiet, most people already asleep. As they reached the spot where they would part ways, Nora turned to Clara.

"Thank you for tonight, Clara. It was perfect."

"Thank you, Nora. I'm really glad we met."

They exchanged a lingering hug, a silent promise of more nights under the stars. As Clara watched Nora walk away, she felt a mix of sadness and hope. Their friendship was new, but it felt strong, like it had been written in the stars long before they ever met.

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