Facing it Together - Eight

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It was a typical Sunday afternoon, the kind where Clara usually enjoys the quiet of her room, reading or listening to music. However, today was different. She woke up feeling off, a subtle but persistent ache in her stomach that wouldn't go away. She tried to brush it off, telling herself it was nothing serious, but as the day wore on, the discomfort grew, morphing into sharp pains that sent her spiraling into panic.

Clara sat on her bed, clutching her abdomen, her breathing rapid and shallow. She could feel her heart racing, each beat echoing her growing fear. What if this was something serious? What if she was really sick? The thought of falling ill, of her worst fears coming true, sent her into a tailspin.

Trembling, she reached for her phone and dialed Nora's number, her fingers shaking so badly she almost dropped it. The phone rang once, twice, and then Nora's familiar voice answered, warm and steady.

"Hey, Clara. What's up?"

Clara's voice came out in a rush, high-pitched and panicked. "Nora, I don't feel well. My stomach hurts, and I'm really scared. Can you come over? Please?"

There was a brief pause, and then Nora's voice was filled with concern. "Of course, I'll be right there. Hang on, okay? I'll be there soon."

Clara hung up and curled up on her bed, trying to calm herself. She focused on her breathing, but her mind kept racing back to the possibility of something being terribly wrong. Minutes felt like hours as she waited for Nora.

Finally, there was a knock on the front door, and Clara's mom called up the stairs. "Clara, Nora's here!"

Clara managed to get up and make her way downstairs, her legs feeling weak. She opened the door to see Nora standing there, her face etched with worry. Without a word, Nora stepped inside and wrapped Clara in a gentle hug.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here," Nora whispered, her voice soothing.

Clara clung to her, feeling some of the tension ease out of her body. "I'm so scared, Nora. What if something's really wrong?"

Nora guided her to the living room, helping her sit down on the couch. "Let's take it one step at a time, okay? First, we'll try to figure out what's going on."

Clara nodded, taking deep breaths to steady herself. Nora sat beside her, holding her hand. "When did the pain start?" Nora asked gently.

"This morning. It wasn't so bad at first, but it's been getting worse. I don't know what to do," Clara said, her voice trembling.

"Have you eaten anything unusual or done anything different?" Nora probed, her calm demeanor helping to ground Clara.

Clara thought for a moment. "No, just the usual stuff. I don't know why this is happening."

Nora squeezed her hand. "Okay, let's think about the options. It could be something minor, like a stomach bug or maybe stress. But just to be safe, we should let your mom know and see if she thinks we should go to the doctor."

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