Left Unsaid - Seventeen

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The final bell of the school day rang, echoing through the hallways, signaling freedom for the students. Clara and Nora gathered their things and headed out of their last class, their minds already buzzing with plans for the evening.

"Do you want to hang out at my place?" Clara asked as they walked towards the school gates.

"Not today," Nora replied, her eyes flickering with a secret she wasn't ready to share. "I have something I need to work on at home."

Clara nodded, though she couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity. "Alright, maybe tomorrow?"

"Definitely," Nora said with a smile. "See you then."

With a wave, they parted ways. Clara headed home, and Nora made her way to her small, cozy house. The walk was short, and soon she was inside, greeted by the familiar warmth of her home. Her mother, Mrs. Lawson, was in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

"Hi, sweetie," her mother called out, smiling warmly. "How was school?"

"It was good, Mom," Nora replied, dropping her backpack by the door. "I've got a little project I'm working on, so I'll be in my room until dinner."

"Alright, don't forget to come down when it's ready," her mother said, her tone filled with the usual mix of affection and mild concern.

Nora nodded and headed upstairs to her room. She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath, excitement bubbling within her. She had been planning this for weeks, and now she finally had the time to bring it to life. She pulled out a canvas from under her bed, along with her paints and brushes.

Setting up her easel by the window, Nora glanced outside. The sky was beginning to darken, reminiscent of the night she first met Clara. The memory was vivid in her mind—the calmness of the night, the twinkling stars, and the serendipitous meeting that sparked a beautiful friendship.

She dipped her brush into the deep blue paint and began to work. The strokes came easily, each one filled with the emotions of that night. She painted the expanse of the night sky first, carefully adding stars one by one, ensuring they shone brightly against the dark canvas. The park where they met took shape next, with shadows of trees and the blanket Clara and Nora shared that night.

As she painted, memories flooded back. Clara' admiration of the stars, their shared laughter, and the instant connection they had felt. Nora's heart swelled with affection for her friend. This painting was her way of capturing that magical night, a tribute to the bond they had formed.

Hours passed, and Nora lost herself in her work. She meticulously added details—the gentle curve of the path, the glimmer of a nearby streetlamp, and finally, the two figures laying over a soft blanket. She painted herself and Clara, side by side, gazing up at the stars. Her hand moved with precision, capturing the serenity and wonder of the moment.

When she finally stepped back to admire her work, the painting was nearly complete. It was a beautiful rendition of that special night, filled with the emotion and significance it held for her. She felt a sense of accomplishment and a pang of nervousness. This painting was meant to be a surprise for Clara, and she hoped her friend would love it as much as she did.

With a satisfied sigh, Nora cleaned her brushes and put her supplies away. She carefully placed the painting behind her wardrobe, ensuring it was well hidden. She wanted everything to be perfect when the time came to reveal it.

Just then, she heard her mother calling from downstairs. "Nora, dinner's ready!"

Nora's stomach growled in response, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since lunch. She hurried downstairs to the kitchen, where the delicious aroma of homemade pasta filled the air. Her mother had set the table, and they sat down to eat together.

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