Shadows Beneath the Stars - Four

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The days turned into weeks, and the bond between Clara and Nora grew stronger. They became inseparable, sharing everything from their dreams to their darkest fears. However, beneath the surface of their blossoming friendship, both girls struggled with their own anxieties.

One crisp autumn evening, Clara and Nora decided to meet at their usual stargazing spot. The sky was clear, promising a perfect view of the constellations. Clara arrived first, setting up her telescope and laying out the blanket. She had been feeling anxious all day, her thoughts plagued by the sick old man she bumped into early morning.

Clara's worst fear was getting sick and dying. It was a fear that had haunted her since childhood, fueled by the stories she heard about people succumbing to illnesses. Every ache and pain, every sneeze or cough, sent her mind spiraling into panic. She often felt like a prisoner to her own body, constantly monitoring herself for any signs of sickness.

As she waited for Nora, Clara tried to focus on the stars, hoping the familiar routine would calm her nerves. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the unease that clung to her. Just then, she heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Nora, her face illuminated by the moonlight.

"Hey, Clara," Nora greeted, her voice cheerful as always. "Sorry I'm late. Had a bit of a hectic day."

Clara smiled, grateful for Nora's presence. "It's okay. I'm glad you're here."

They settled on the blanket, and Clara handed Nora the telescope. "Take a look. The sky is incredible tonight."

Nora adjusted the lens, her eyes widening in wonder. "Wow, it's beautiful. I could spend hours just looking at this."

Clara watched Nora, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. "Yeah, it's amazing how the stars can make everything else seem so small."

They spent the next hour stargazing, pointing out constellations and sharing stories. As the night grew colder, they huddled together under the blanket, their conversation turning more personal.

"You know, Clara," Nora began, her voice soft, "I've been meaning to tell you something."

Clara turned to look at Nora, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "What is it?"

Nora hesitated, biting her lip before speaking. "I struggle with social anxiety. It's something I've dealt with for a long time, even before my parents divorced. Moving here just made it worse. I often feel like I'm not good enough, like I'm constantly failing."

Clara felt a pang of empathy, understanding all too well the weight of anxiety. "I get that, Nora. I really do. I have my own anxieties too."

Nora looked at Clara, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern. "What do you mean?"

Clara took a deep breath, feeling the familiar knot in her stomach tighten. "My worst fear haunts me day and night. I fear that I will get sick and die at any moment. I know it sounds irrational, but it's something that's always scared me. Every time I feel even a little bit off, I start to panic, thinking it's something serious."

Nora reached out and took Clara's hand, squeezing it gently. "That doesn't sound irrational at all. Everyone has their own fears. I'm just sorry you have to go through that."

Clara felt a tear slip down her cheek, quickly wiping it away. "Thanks, Nora. It helps to talk about it, to know I'm not alone."

Nora nodded, her grip on Clara's hand firm and reassuring. "You're definitely not alone, Clara. We'll get through this together."

They sat in silence for a while, the night sky a comforting presence above them. The stars twinkled brightly, reminding them of the vastness of the universe and their place within it. Clara felt a sense of relief, knowing that she had someone who understood her fears, someone she could confide in.

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