Facing the Fear - Nineteen

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Clara sat at her desk, textbooks spread out before her, but her mind was miles away. Nora hadn't been at school for the past three days, and each day without her had been more agonizing than the last. Clara's phone buzzed, and she glanced at it, hoping for a message from Nora. Instead, it was a notification from their group chat, filled with mundane life updates from their friend Jake.

She sighed, her health anxiety gnawing at her insides. The mere thought of germs, of illness, sent her into a spiral of panic. It was why she avoided hospitals, why she carried hand sanitizer everywhere, and why she had strict routines for cleanliness.

A few minutes later, Clara's phone buzzed again. This time, it was a text from Nora's mother: "Hi Clara, Nora is really sick and could use some cheering up. She's been asking about you."

Clara's heart clenched. Nora needed her. But the fear of catching whatever Nora had was paralyzing. She imagined the germs, the fever, the coughs, and it sent a shiver down her spine. She stood up, pacing the room. What kind of friend would she be if she let her fear keep her away from Nora?

She remembered the night Nora had been there for her, when Clara had panicked about her health. Nora had held her, calmed her, and stayed by her side through the night. Clara knew she owed it to Nora to be there for her now. But knowing didn't make it any easier.


After school, Clara found herself standing in front of Nora's house, her heart racing. She had a mask on, a bottle of hand sanitizer in her pocket, and an overwhelming sense of dread in her chest. She hesitated at the door, her hand hovering over the doorbell. She could turn around now, go back home, and no one would blame her. Except she would blame herself. She couldn't let her anxiety control her, not when her best friend needed her.

With a deep breath, Clara rang the doorbell. Nora's mother, Ms. Lawson, opened the door, looking relieved. "Clara, thank you so much for coming. She's been really down."

Clara nodded, her throat tight. "How is she?"

Ms. Lawson sighed. "It's a bad flu. High fever, sore throat, the works. She's in her room. You can go up, but be careful, okay?"

Clara swallowed hard and nodded. She took a deep breath and ascended the stairs, each step feeling heavier than the last. When she reached Nora's door, she paused, listening to the faint sounds of coughing from inside. She knocked softly.

"Come in," came Nora's weak voice.

Clara opened the door and stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, with only a small lamp on the bedside table casting a warm glow. Nora lay in bed, looking pale and exhausted. Her eyes brightened when she saw Clara.

"Clara, you came," she whispered, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Clara forced a smile and approached the bed. "Of course I did. How are you feeling?"

Nora sighed. "Like I got hit by a truck. But seeing you makes me feel better already. I just cannot believe you came, it is so unlike you to be willingly near a sick person."

Clara sat down on the edge of the bed, her anxiety momentarily pushed aside by the sight of her friend. "Don't even think about that right now, I brought you some soup. My mom made it. She said it's a family recipe that always helps when you're sick."

Nora's eyes lit up. "Thank you, Clara. You didn't have to, but it means a lot."

Clara handed her the container of soup and watched as Nora took a few sips. The sight of her friend struggling with something as simple as eating made Clara's heart ache. She wanted to reach out, to hold Nora's hand, but the fear of germs being spread held her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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