Meteors Hit - Thirteen

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The sky was painting itself a beautiful shade of pink as Clara and Nora walked home from school. They chatted about their day, discussing everything from classes to upcoming events. However, beneath the surface of their friendly conversation, a storm was brewing.

It all started earlier that week when Clara and Nora were assigned a major group project in their history class. Clara, known for her meticulous planning and organizational skills, had taken charge, outlining a detailed plan and assigning tasks. Nora, while appreciative of Clara's initiative, felt increasingly stifled by her friend's controlling nature.

The project involved creating a comprehensive presentation on a historical event. Clara had chosen the topic and mapped out every detail, from the research to the presentation slides. Nora was assigned to gather specific data, but she had her own ideas about how to approach the project.

"Clara, I was thinking," Nora began hesitantly, "maybe we could include some personal narratives or diary entries from the time period. It would make our presentation more engaging."

Clara shook her head, her brows furrowing. "I don't think that's necessary, Nora. We need to stick to the plan to make sure we cover all the required points."

Nora bit her lip, frustration bubbling up. "But it could add depth to our presentation. It's just an idea, Clara."

"I understand, but we're already on a tight schedule," Clara replied, her tone firm. "We need to stay focused."

The conversation ended there, but the tension lingered. Over the next few days, Clara and Nora's interactions became increasingly strained. Clara's insistence on sticking to the plan made Nora feel undervalued and frustrated. Clara, on the other hand, couldn't understand why Nora was deviating from the carefully laid-out plan.


One evening, as they were working on the project at Clara's house, the tension reached a breaking point. Clara was hunched over her laptop, typing furiously, while Nora sifted through pages of research, her mind racing with ideas that she felt were being dismissed.

"Clara, I've found some really interesting personal accounts that would fit perfectly into our presentation," Nora said, trying to keep her voice calm.

Clara sighed, not looking up from her screen. "Nora, we don't have time for that. We need to focus on the main points."

Nora's patience snapped. "Clara, you're not even listening to me! I'm part of this project too, and my ideas matter!"

Clara finally looked up, her eyes wide with surprise. "Of course your ideas matter, Nora. I'm just trying to keep us on track."

"Well, it doesn't feel like it," Nora shot back, her voice trembling with anger. "It feels like you're dictating everything and not considering my input."

Clara's face flushed with frustration. "I'm just trying to make sure we do well. We can't afford to go off on tangents."

Nora stood up, her hands clenched into fists. "You know what, Clara? Maybe you should just do the project by yourself since you clearly don't need my help."

Clara's eyes filled with tears as Nora grabbed her things and stormed out of the house, leaving Clara sitting alone, stunned and hurt.


The next day at school was tense and awkward. Clara and Nora avoided each other, their usual camaraderie replaced by a cold silence. Jake noticed the rift but didn't know how to address it.

By lunchtime, Clara couldn't stand the silence any longer. She found Nora sitting alone in the courtyard, staring at the sky with a troubled expression. Taking a deep breath, Clara approached her.

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