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Third Person POV:

Enid arrived first of course...

She arrived incredibly early to make sure to avoid all students...

She ghosted everyone but Wednesday...

For all anyone knew she could have been dead. Enid couldn't care less about this.

Enid wasn't herself...

Her hair was cut differently... She had cut it during the summer and got bangs but kept them brushed out of her eyes...

The hair cut but imagine the bangs brushed to the sides:

Her hair color was still platinum blonde but she barely had the very tips dyed with color as she let it grow out and be cut

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Her hair color was still platinum blonde but she barely had the very tips dyed with color as she let it grow out and be cut.

Her outfit was blue and looked like something a female Gomez would wear...

Enid's outfit:

Honestly, if someone didn't know Emma well they never would have known it was her

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Honestly, if someone didn't know Emma well they never would have known it was her. As her entire aura changed as well.

Her parents helped her carry her things to her room before her mom quickly left not being brave enough to face her daughter.

Her father held a stuffie in his hands, her childhood teddy bear.

"Take this please..." He said begging Enid to take it.

Enid sighed before taking the white bear into her hands.

"Okay..." She said softly before begrudgingly hugging her father back.

He soon left leaving her to unpack alone.

Enid put in AirPods as she listened to music on her new phone with a different number.

Her side of the room still had color but was more dim, and darker shades. Lots of dark blues, greens, and reds. Some purples in there, but none of her iconic pink or baby blue, all of that seemed to have disappeared.

Enid shoved her bear into a shoe box under her bed before she started to make her bed with her green silk sheets she had gotten and a blue comforter.

After that she put on her matching green silk pillowcases before throwing on a dark blue soft fluffy throw blanket on her bed.

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