Belgian gun

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Wednesday's POV:

We had just finished Nazi's and Soviet's and were heading inside the mansion

"Wednesday...." Pugsley said as he faced the other way.

I examined him only to see that a rick slightly lodged in the back of his back... I need to think quickly in order to help him so he feels the most pain.

I walked over and flicked the rock so it went flying out wall he winced in pain.

"I am not your mother Pugsley... But I believe she is this way you imbecile." I told him as I swiftly turned on my heels heading towards the lounge.

I could hear Pugsley and Enid trail behind me trying to catch up and the little pitter-patter tapping of Thing's fingers.

If Thing weren't proven useful I would have snapped his digits purely on the fact of how rather annoying he is. Not even when he is signing or morse code, just when he is alive he is annoying.

I pushed the sliding French doors open to the lounge only to be hit with the smell of fresh cigars and a freshly old book that had been opened. My parents.

It is rather annoying the footprint my parents leave everywhere they go.

"Mother, Pugsely has gone soft. I blame you and Father for choosing to suffocate him by coddling him and not preparing him for the absolutely wickedly worst." I said coldly as I glared at my mother

"My little viper did you show Enid how to play Nazis and Soviets?" Father asked as he puffed his cigar with a wide smile.

"Indeed." I replied with knowing far well his question was rather annoying, he knew what we were doing outside.

"Yes! Wens, Pugsley, and Thing showed me how to play!! Claws only came out once so that's a win in my book!" Enid said as she skipped over to the couch and sat down across the couch on the other side of my mother. Lovely.

"Darling you shouldn't be suppressing your inner wolf, at least not in our house. As long as you are here or connected to the Addams family you will always be protected and cherished for all of you. Embrace it piccolo lupo." My mother said closing her book and making dust go into the air.

I'm curious about Enid's sensory issues with all the smells in my house... Especially right now with the dust, cigars, and smell of old books... Plus I believe my mother sprayed perfume this morning, and I know for a fact Father sprayed cologne. She doesn't seem uncomfortable and it's not my problem Enid can voice her issues.... Right?

Wednesday, do not go soft. Whether you love her or not, tough love bitch.

I walked over to my father's lounge chair and sat on the armrest as he poured me a glass of wine. Once he passed me the glass I began to sip periodically as I spaced off in deep thought.

I need to tune them out....

What has my life come to?

Why has so much changed in so little time?

I was soon brought out of my trance when Thing jumped onto my shoulder and squeezed it and began to tap Morse code.

I rose from my feet and grabbed an M-16 from a shelf making my way to the door making everyone go silent to my dismay.

"Wednesday dear, what are you doing?" My mother asked, how annoying.

"Business." I told her blankly back to her

"Family business?" Father asked me

"Personal." I said openly the French sliding doors going out shutting them behind me.

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