chapter six

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By the following Wednesday, my anxiety had grown as I realized I was still far from being prepared for the Monday match against my opponent. I had lied to Imogen and told her I was training with one of the first-years. Even Bodhi checked in on my progress.

I was still trying desperately to convince Aaric to help me. Day after day, I sought him out, incessantly pestering him with any and every plea. I hadn't lied when I said I wanted the best, and my options were limitless on people to ask and yet... I wanted him.

One morning, in an attempt to break through Aaric's tough exterior, I brought him some extra breakfast I had managed to steal from the Mess Hall. Despite my gesture, his reaction remained unchanged. He simply shook his head with a scoff and walked away. In his defense, I had devoured half of the stolen meal. But, in my defense... I was hungry.

I thought I had finally made progress when he witnessed my struggle with attempting to replicate his impressive pull-ups on the wall-mounted bar. It was the same exercise I had observed him do the previous week. However, my efforts fell short since I didn't have any of his... muscles.

He watched me with amusement, suppressing his laughter as I landed on my ass. Nothing more humbling than that, huh? That particular day was far from my finest moment.

On another day, Sloane and I decided to have a one-on-one match during our practice session. Looking back, it probably wasn't such a good idea since she wasn't any better than I was at close combat. Aaric, growing increasingly annoyed at our combined lack of skill, stood to the side.

Frustrated, I snapped at him, "We'd do a lot better with some help..." Yet, he simply pushed off the wall he was leaning against, mustering a resolute "Not happening," before walking away.

Thinking back, I realized that I might've been a little entitled, expecting him to readily lend his expertise without considering his feelings. I think I might've pushed him away rather than drawing him closer. Maybe it was time to figure out another strategy...

I contemplated this as I took a bite of my apple that night, making my way towards the dorms. I had stayed behind hoping to get a little extra exercise. "Your attacks lack power." Aaric had said. I figured I could at least try to build some muscle in the meantime.

Just as I finished the last bite, the resonating chime of the bells echoed through the air, instantly freezing me in my tracks. Panic surged, remembering the curfew. Hastily, I discarded the apple's stem into a nearby trash bin and hastened my steps, attempting to move swiftly towards the dormitory.

      Mindful of potential patrols, I made a conscious effort to muffle my footsteps, carefully placing each foot to minimize any sound that might give away my presence. The shadows cast by the dimly lit surroundings concealed my hurried movements as I navigated the path towards the dorms, keeping a watchful eye for any sign of leadership or curfew enforcers. I knew my Wingleader, Dain, could be strict when it came to following those.

      Then, I noticed a couple of First years casually leaning against the stone wall. Their eyes lit up as they caught sight of me, and one of them couldn't help but flash a mischievous grin. Judging by their patches, they were most likely from Third Wing. A twinge of unease tugged at my gut, warning me that something wasn't quite right.

      Slowing my steps, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that I should be cautious. As soon as I came to a stop, the First years straightened up, their demeanor shifting ever so slightly. It was as if they were waiting for a reaction from me, and suddenly, Bodhi's warning from last week echoed in my mind. Without a moment's hesitation, I made a split-second decision and bolted in the opposite direction towards the courtyard.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑, iron flameWhere stories live. Discover now