chapter thirty-first

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Sutton's pov

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Sutton's pov

*Ashton Powers ⚕️*

Sutton, Daja needs you like right fucking now.

I just sent you my address and codes

Please get there as soon as you can. It's an emergency.

What happened? Is she good?

She's just received some very troubling news.
I'm on the phone with her and will stay on until you get there.
Any chance you can leave now?

Yeah, I'll be there in 30.

Thanks, sorry in advance but hurry and get there.
It's really serious.

To say I was panicking was an understatement. Something was going on with my girl and apparently I had to get there immediately. What could've possibly happened since they just left the spa?

I hopped into my car and made the drive to Ashton's. Horrible scenarios were running through my head as my anxiety rose. I blew through yellows and weaved through traffic like it was the fucking fast and the furious.

Nothing was going to stop me from getting to my girl.

When I made it to Ashton's, I threw my car into park and ran to the door "Stink?! Are you here?!" I yelled as soon as I made it inside.

I froze when I heard the most painful wail I've ever heard in my life. My stomach dropped when I heard a quiet "Sutton?"' come from down the hall.

I ran to the bedroom and saw the love of my life curled up on the bed hugging the pillow tightly and gasping for dear life as she sobbed uncontrollably.

Tears formed in my eyes as I broke down at the view before me. "Princess... Oh my god" I instantly kicked off my shoes then crawled onto the bed pulling her into me as she clung to my chest sobbing harder then before.

I couldn't stop my own sobs if I tried, seeing her like this broke my heart. I didn't dare move, but wanted to be the calmness in her storm. I don't know what could've possibly caused her to be so distraught like this, but I was determined to find out. When she was feeling better and up for telling me.

We laid like that for an hour before she finally fell asleep. My shirt drenched in her sweat and tears. I slowly pulled away to tuck her into bed, then moved into the kitchen and tried to find something to feed to her.

Not able to find anything easy to make, I quickly ordered us some Chinese food, ensuring to order her favorite, egg drop soup. Once the order was finished, I made my way to the bathroom to lay out a washcloth, a towel and some candles I found under the sink.

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