Hey guys, I'm back from camp. I went to this amazing camp called River Valley Ranch and its really good I recommend it to anyone on the est coast near Pennsylvania or Maryland places like that.
Also about the art work, if you can see it that is. Its not really meant to offend anyone but its what I'm using to express a story. I'm working on the second part, but if you can't tell it has a religious symbolism to it. If you don't have one please don't get angry and if you do don't address anyone other than me, nor do I want anyone addressing them. If you have something to say I'll very well plead my own case without involving anyone else.
Lastly, the story behind this work: if you guys didn't know, I'm a Christian, been that way for as long as I can remember, I don't really show much due to the sour wrap we've gotten and I didn't really want any unneeded squabbles on the Internet. Anyways I'd been doing Christian things, going to church and such like I'd been and I was reading the bible (which is really rare I don't do such things unless the preacher really bores me.... Then again I guess I do read it a lot) I came across some verses in Romans and stuff that i can't remember the references to but all I know is that they inspired me to draw a dual picture to represent the meat of what is believed.

Oh look, its actually an art book!
De TodoYep mah new art book bask in its beauty Sequal to Look its a book wait no it's an art book!!