Once there was a bird. a pretty little bird he was Though, this bird did not feel pretty. He didn't fly. No this birdy was not flightless, He could fly. Why he didn't? He may have tried, but this birdy had lost his will to fly. But do not be discouraged, for this birdy sang. He sang songs of his heart, his sadness and how he'd become lonesome. He, this little bird, was in misery.
Once there was a cat. Sweet was she, this sweet little kitty. Oh how joyful was she. She'd go where other felines wouldn't. This she-cat was oh so optimistic yet realistic as well She saw the world as it was and as it could be, and found it beautiful. Oh how happy this kitty was.
Now one day, this cat happened upon this birdy. She heard his song, oh how it was dunt so harmoniously. This cat, she did love to hear a song of any kind, So she listened to the bird. She listened to him, and sang along with his song of lonesomenes. For deep down, Deep in her heart, she too was alone.
So they sang, A song that continued till the Moon hung high and their voices where hoarse. They were happy. They'd become friends.
The cat and the bird would meet every day They'd talk and talk and sing The feline in particular, was so reliant on their interaction. She saw it as a time where she could talk someone she could connect with. She loved it.
Sometime later, this clever little kitty noticed something. “Little bird, why don't you fly?” It was a question rightfully appropriate. The bird explained his past How he'd given up on his flight Speaking of his tail of woe and hopelessness
A poor birdy he was hurt by his fellow avians who'd ruined his confidence. So because of this, the she-cat, being the loving friend she was sought to restore his confidence.
Oh how she'd tried. Her mind constantly thinking of ways to make a dear friend better. Little did she know what a sad pussy cat she would be.
Oh how stubborn was the bird, Not looking to change in his ways. It cause a rift between bird and cat One trying to help the other whilst the other thought he could get better but refused to change to do so.
Distressed this feline was, She cared about his wellbeing She tried so hard yet alas her efforts were fruitless
Things change, and the bird's life only became more troubled He vented his frustration on the cat until they became like fire and I've clashing oh so horribly.
Though the cat, she began to cave, Even as she still wished for friendship
Neither of them where getting any good from it.
Finally the bird decided it was time to stop, So one day he few away
The cat never saw him again and she still waits to this day.
This is the tale of the bird and the cat.
God help the bird and the cat. For the bird is not free and the cat isn't happy. They have lost their way, And only by your hand can you guide them to where they need to be.
I wrote the whole thing after a plane when I thought it up, I feel like I lost it in the end I guess.
Also here is some art for it
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