unWanted Company

117 5 16

WARNING: more cringe

The next day at 6:00 AM Alastor cryptically droned out of his bed and dragged himself to the restroom to take a cold shower and get ready for more annoying Uber commissions. The crisp morning air wafting through the half open window. Barely ten minutes into the shower, his radio themed phone began to buzz and ring with new notifications of carless (get it?) people trying to get a ride to someplace he did not care about.

He grunted and cursed at those wretched needy people as he stepped out of the shower onto the cold floor, which to him felt warm because of how cold the water he used was. Alastor's hooves heavily clopped on the ceramic floor and his ears droops because of the water weight as he wrapped a black towel around himself and checked his phone for the new commissions of the day.

He settled on one commission for North Stetson Avenue as he stepped out of the cold bathroom and onto the carpeted bedroom floor. After getting dressed in a black long-coat, a Burgundy turtleneck under shirt, and black pants; he got his car keys and stepped into the elevator going down to the underground parking lot. He hopped into his car and drove off to his designated location. Mid-way to the destination, he instinctively felt something was missing, as if by nature he brought up his hand to his collar checking for something....his mothers pendant. His eyes widened once it sinked in that his only treasure was gone, missing, KAPUT. Alastor was tempted to cancel on the person that hired him to look for that precious piece of silver, but kept his eyes on the road knowing he won't get paid if he doesn't do his job. With each passing second his panic got worse as he rounded the last corner to get to his destination. Once he saw the person he was supposed to pick up he unlocked the door and pulled over for them to get in.

As the passenger settled into the vehicle, they commented how clean and fancy-shmancy it looked. Alastor rolled his eyes but adjusted the rear mirror to get a good look at them.

"Niftyyyy-!" Alastor exclaimed widening his smile as he turned his head to see her more clearly. She looked up at him with a devilishly sweet smile. "OH-! Alastor! I wasn't expecting YOU to be my Uber! what a let down...always so clean..I can never do my job around you." Alastor chuckled as he turned head back upfront "So, dear Niffty! what will your destination be?" Nifty smiled remembering her initial propose "Oh! I need to get to the Road-kill Club, and Quickly! I Forgot to take out the trash! it must REALLY stink~! hHEheHeEH~!" Alastor smirked at her childish giggle and then remembered "oh- nifty darling~ by what did you mean a 'let down'?" as he began to merge into the high way. Nifty giggled again noticing his concern for her side comment "Oh~! WELL you see, Alastor, usually when I order an Uber, there are Baaaaaad Boiiis driving these raggedy cars that I get to clean~! And besides! they are awfully CUUUTE~!" When she finished her sentence, she noticed that Alastor's pendant was not being proudly displayed on his neck.

"Alastor? were your moms pendant?" nifty said slightly losing her demonesc aura. Alastor's eyes widened remembering what he didn't have, losing his radio filter "Oh- Nifty darling! mind doing me a favor and checking under the seats? I'm sure it must be somewhere!" Nifty quickly dashed out of her seat and began rummaging throughout the spotless car (don't judge me, I like clean cars) She slowly got back up shaking her head to herself then saying "sorry Alastor...no luck" Alastor's smile twisted with grief as he tried to hide it from his friend.


Alastor pulled up to the back alley door of the renowned club, unlocking the doors for nifty to zip out and do her thing. He bid her farewell and drove off to another hidden part of the city to deep search his car for the pendant that kept him going. A few minuets into search, he felt his phone buzz on his back pocket. He took it out to see an unknown number, but her answered anyway. "H-HElLo?" said a tiny voice form the other line, Alastor's ears flattened as the miniature loud voice broke the phones sound barrier with that single "hello".

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