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WARNING: Cringy cringlontin

The next day, like predicted by Wannabe-Samsung, 7:46 AM Sunday was a stormy mess for the rest of the day. Lucifer had stayed home for two obvious reasons; Trying to deep clean his bed, especially his Egyptian silk covers since they cost him a fortune and Two; because he couldn't do his outdoor photo shoots in this weather. After about an hour of trying to this strawberry stench out of his bed, His phone began to ring. "hmm? I don't have any appointments today?" he thought out loud picking up his phone seeing that it was Husk and Angel on video call. Lucifer smiled and greeted them "Hey guys! if you are you calling me about the wedding shenanigan with Alastor, you're unfortunately two months late." Lucifer joked. Husker chuckled then turned the camera around to show a passed out Alastor. "look at this, Morningstar" Angel said with amusement "you can have your revenge for your bed~!" Angel mused. "How do you know about the bed?" Lucifer asked. Husk turned the camera back to them and Angel then said "Ohhhhh~ well ya know...I may or may have not gotten Alastor tipsy yesterday and he gave us all the JUICIEST gossip~!" Lucifer Gasped in concern "You DRUGGED him?!" 

After a few moments, Angel blew up in laughter "NAH! Im kidding! He just called us and told us everythin'. Then after a while he came over really late at night to gossip some more. fell asleep, you don't have to worry about this creep getting drugged. The bastard hadn't had that much fun in years! you shoulda seen him cackle like a hyena!" At that moment Alastor blinked himself awake folding his ears back at Angels loud voice. Once Alastor realized he was in Husk and Angels house, he immediately got up and tried to leave but a voice halted him. 

"your paying for the dry cleaner" Said Lucifer's voice form across the line making Alastor cringe with regret knowing that if he doesn't pay he'll get sued for property damage, even if it is just a small amount. 

"Fine, how much will it be?" Alastor asked, already anxious to get to his own home to get ready for the day.

"Not much really, only about 50 bucks." Lucifer calmly stated. Alastor's eyebrows shot up in surprise hearing how cheap it was. "Very well, Lucifer, can I pay in cash? Im still trying to get the hang of 'online money'." Alastor heard Lucifer bitterly chuckle from the other line "No, no, Alastor. Just come over and I can accept cash, as long as you let me teach you how to use digital money, it's important to have many skills." Alastor agreed and let Angel hang up for him.

At 9:00 AM Alastor made it to lucifers house. He figured that the earlier he gave him the money, the earlier he could leave and get to work...Wait....its his day off. By that time, Alastor had become so workaholic that he forgot he could have breaks, but this break wasn't something he wanted today. It meant he had to stay with Lucifer to learn how use this 'technology'.

Alastor waited inside his car, hoping Lucifer wouldn't notice him so he could drive away and pay him the next day, but to his luck, Lucifer had been looking for him from his window-wall.

Just as Alastor was going to speed away, the dry cleaner truck intercepted him, stoping him from his grand escape. Alastor gritted his teeth realizing that faith was against him that day. He back up the car and stepped out with his umbrella. Lucifer couldn't help but feel a tingle in his stomach at seeing Alastor walk in the rain like that, possibly making 

Lucifer immediately averted his dirty thoughts elsewhere and dashed to the door to let Alastor in. It was odd how Alastor visited so much more often. As Alastor stepped inside, Lucifer took his coat off for him and asked for him to take off his boots, since they where wet and he didn't want to have to mop later. Alastor obliged and did as he was told. When he leaned over to place his boots on the side rack, Lucifer saw that he had a heart melting little tail. Lucifer was tempted to pet it to even pull it, but he knew he would get socked on the head with a rolled up newspaper if he did, And to bring it up a notch, he had also noticed Alastor's shiny red hooves. How could such a scary being be so fucking cute at the same time? Lucifer was at the verge of laughing his brains out with tears already forming in his eyes until Alastor's rustic voice called, snapping him back to reality.

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