Yeah, Im keeping you.

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WARNING: Smut...? (making out) 

It was the fourth day of the week, Thursday, and the storm would end on Sunday but still strongly persisted. Alastor sleepily and loosely got up. He let his head hang upside down for a few seconds before he looked around and found himself on Charlie's bed. Lucifer was on the far end with little Charlie tightly cuddled to his chest, soft breaths escaped his mouth making a melodious hum fill the room. For merely a few seconds, Alastor envied the little girl. His smile faltered for a moment and his ears remained drooped and messy. There where white and red feathers Everywhere.

"What the hell happened last night..." Alastor mumbled to himself.

Lucifer was half awake and heard this little remark of Alastor's, so he decided to answer for him. "Intense pillow war. Not fight, WAR." He managed to groan out.

Alastor wasn't completely convinced, because, who the hell puts large ass exotic red feathers in a pillow? The little white down feathers definitely looked like they belonged in a pillow, but the red ones? He didn't think so. "And what about the red feathers, Luci?"

Lucifer was shocked awake by this nickname that Alastor had called him, but let it slide and answered Alastor's second question this....Afternoon? Looks like they overslept until 1:27 PM, but that won't really cause them much of an inconvenience.

"The red feathers are mine" Lucifer replied while sitting up and placing Charlie where he had previously been to keep her warm in a warm spot. Alastor nodded to the answer, but his attention was torn between why the hell did a featherless man suddenly claim to have feathers, and, how sweet Charlie looked curled up in a little blond ball.

By this time, Alastor had made himself home since he had gotten so used to this calming, white environment of the Beverly's. He looked at Charlie, then at Lucifer.

"Mind explaining the red feathers again?" Alastor asked with his deep, soft 'waking up' voice. A small but deep growl could be heard from under his vocals every time he spoke. Lucifer perked back up and slopped on the bed taking a satisfying stretch making his back arch while he groaned. he looked at Alastor before answering yet another one of his questions "The red feathers are mine." he said then thought of a way to explain this strange phenomena "When-...when we had sex and you latched onto my back, did you notice anything strange?"

Alastor thought for a moment, ignoring the awkwardness of the subject "You had six slits on your back." Alastor noted

"Thats right! And from those slits, come my wings" Lucifer said this like a kindergarten teacher would proudly praise a toddler for answering 1+1 correctly. He then demonstrated by standing on the bed and flaunting six enormous scarlet wings that sprouted on his back. Alastor's eyes widened as his tail began to wag ferociously. Lucifer looked down to his side at Alastor who was slack jawed but also slightly threatened. "now why would these wings scare someone like you?" Lucifer asked, noticing Alastor's slight way of shrinking away from him.

"They just look threatening...and they make you look a bit too large for my liking" Alastor responded with sincerity. There was a small rustle of the bed, before something pulled at Alastor's sleeve.

"Al?" Said a small voice. A little white hand tugged at his sleeve.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Alastor sweetly replied, this small gesture making Lucifers heart melt.

"Are you going to live with us now? you make daddy smile again." Charlie innocently said, unknowing of the actual deepness in this little statement.

Alastor looked up at Lucifer for help with this, but was met with Lucifer's smirking face that said 'that looks like a you problem'. Alastor looked back down at Charlie a gave her a heart warming smile. He carefully chose his words "I can't stay if your daddy doesn't want me too, but if he does...I can stay, dear."

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