another very dumb vent

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I HATE EVERYONE RIGHT NOW, GIGI MADE ME COLD, MOM MADE ME FEEL LIKE A JERK AND DAD ALWAYS MAKES FUN OF ME AND I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I WISH EVERYTHING COULD JUST STOP AND EVERYONE COULD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME BE HAPPY FOR ONCE IT AWFUL AND I JUST HATE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, I WISH I COULD JUST BE SWALLOWED BY THE EARTH RN AND NOT CRY ANY MORE AND EVERYONE WOULD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE TO BE HAPPY, I WISH I COULD JUST RIP STICKERS OFF MY ARM BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY AT THE MOMENT, I WISH I WORE SOCKS SO MY FEET WOULDN'T BE THIS COLD, I WISH I WANTED TO LIVE ON LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, I WISH I WASN'T SUCH A COWARD AND DID SOMETHING WITH MY LIFE OTHER THEN PITTY MYSELF, I WISH MY LIFE HAD MEANING OTHER THEN TO BE HAPPY, SAD, MAD OR SCARED, I WISH I WASN'T SO PICKY, I WISH I WOULD CHAGE MYSELF.... but we all know dreams don't come true unless you make them come true...... and we all know I'll never do that.... I'm just a dumb little kid who just pittys herself all day and no one cares enough about it to ask her why she feels like this...... why she's hurting inside, why she feels this pain.... but no they have worse problems so they have to tell her or her problems are too dumb so no one ever cares.... why does no one ever care..... you think one moment they care because they say that, then the next you need them to care and they never come..... why must everyone be like this?

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