Vent... again

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So I'm driving to New Jersey and we're stopping at where I was born, Missouri! We're at some of our old "friends" house, and well, I feel really left out, their my sister's age (she's three years older then me) and they invited a random girl to have a sleep over while we're here and I'm just upset and left out and I really just want to lock myself in a box and cry to myself. Why do I stay here? Because I have no choice in my own life.

Also, FUN FACT: I had a panic attack yesterday, so we went to this cool Gas station and my parents and sister really like it, I'm not the biggest fan. why? Because there is too many people and I hate large groups of people. So we went there and we're just there, then my sister and mom left me and my dad(I don't even know him) and that's when it started, I felt left alone and left out. I wanted to go home(I don't have one rn) I tried to keep my cool but after about 20 mins I just started crying, too many people, my parents didn't even listen to me and I was so tired. Yeah that was my panic attack, if you want to know how it ended just ask me.

Have a good day. Bye.

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