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I hate human beings rn. Their all so mean and I just want to go in my room and hide away but my parents won't let me. So I'm very picky on foods but I like things that we normally have, such as Pizza, chicken nuggets, noodles and hot dogs, but while we're at my aunts house she doesn't have any of those things or she gives it to my cousin's kid(who i hate) so I have to wait to eat or just starve myself, gladly she likes to eat out a lot and normally these places have pizza or steak so I can eat there. Another thing about me is I have a very small social battery and my family is really big so we have my nice aunt and her husband, my nice cousin and his fiance, my other cousin, her husband and her kid, my mom, my dad and my sister and finally my least favorite aunt, she sucks, she's always trying to steal things, like, the spot light,(she makes everything about herself) my sisters nick name,(and everyone knows my sister was first) coins,(it was at a memorial for a dead person) so you get the point, I have a huge annoying family.

Another thing I just got back and now my sister is being rude to me by saying she won't speak with me until I eat at my aunts house. THE PROBLEM IS ALL THE FOOD SHE HAS MY SISTER KNOWS I HATE!

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