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So I've just started to want to break into tears, ok so here's whaat happened, I got up at like 7:45 to go to church and we had like an hour to get ready, which was awful, then when we got in the car I remembered we had to learn a bible verse for this week so I spend the ONE HOUR LONG drive to pick up a lady I hate and hate the voice of(her vocie drive me crazy and she's a know it all) then when we get to church we're a bit late so my parents drop me off with my older sister(who I like) and the other lady, then we go upstairs and we have to pick some random seats on the side then leave to go to out class(don't know why we don't just go before service) then we get to class we're learning about pride and humility in the difference between them or whatnot, then we are about to finish and my sister asks about the verse thing, apparently we ran out of time so we couldn't even do that, SO I DID ALL OF THAT LEARNING FOR NOTHING! Then we went to drop off the annoying lady and then we go to Mc.Donalds(the only good part) then when we got home I had to clean for the rest of the day and then my mom called me downstairs to take clothes out of the dryer and while I was doing that my mom asked me why my sister and I hadn't taken it oyt before and when I started explaining, she pertended to give me a tiny violin and now I want to cry and I just can't take it anymore, I also had to make myself dinner out of whatever we had in the house, I had an Italian dinner(aka a fake pizza made out of crackers, cheese and pepperoni) so yeah.... sorry if this is annoying, I hope you have a better day then me and that you have a good night sleep.

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