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After work, Solàna joined Jungkook at the gym. Solàna wasn't a "gym rat" herself but she was happy to come along and watch the man workout.

Currently, Jungkook was running on a treadmill. Since he had been occupied with being at work this week and trying to make sure everything was organized in that area, he didn't have much to keep up with his workout schedule. So, today was the perfect time for him to catch on some cardio.

Solàna would look up at him at times, but she had brought a book with her to occupy her time while he worked out.

"Aish, that's tiring", Jungkook panted, finally finishing his cardio exercise. Now, he was going to do dead lifting.
Solàna's eyes widened when she saw how much weight he added to the bar, a bit worried if he'd be able to lift it.

"He must be really strong", Solàna thought to herself.

Jungkook toke a deep breath before lifting the heavy bar off the ground, a grunt passing his lips in the process. As he did so, Solàna admired how his body practically flexed while lifting the heavy weight. How his veins popped out slightly, his biceps becoming more invisible, his face turning beat red.

Solàna didn't understand these feelings she felt, it felt so new. It felt like the butterflies she usually got when he complimented her or did sweet things for her, but this felt like more than that.

She just didn't know what this feeling was.

As Jungkook put the bar back down, he panted as the redness began to fade from his skin. He soon grabbed his bottle of water, chugging it down.
Even just that simple action did something to Solàna, making her look down at her book shyly.

Jungkook noticed this, smirking slightly as he was still trying to catch his breath. He soon grabbed his water bottle, chugging it down in the process.
"You doing okay, baby?", he questioned, but anyone would know he was only trying to tease Solàna.

She nodded shyly. "M'okay", she replied, focusing her attention on her book to distract herself from the fact that she was practically blushing at this point. Solàna didn't know why something as simple as seeing her boyfriend workout made her feel this way. It worried her that maybe it wasn't something normal, was she going crazy?

"Alright", he grinned. "I just need to do a few more sets and then we can leave okay?", Jungkook said as he changed the weight on the bar.

Solàna nodded with the same grin, returning to her book once again.


After Jungkook finished working out at the gym, him and Solàna went back to his place.
Since they started dating, they would spend time at each others house more often. Sometimes Solàna would spend a few days at Jungkook's place and vice versa with him at her house.

Olive didn't mind it considering her and Yoongi were actually becoming pretty close and she had him over at their apartment more often. They were still talking as friends but Solàna and Jungkook only knew it was a matter of months or even weeks that they would end up together.

Now, Solàna was accompanying Jungkook in his kitchen. He was cooking the two of them Korean Japchae. Solàna was sitting on the counter watching as he cooked. She hadn't tried this recipe yet so she was excited about trying it.

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