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A year and a half.

Solàna and Jungkook had been together for a year and a half now. The woman never thought she would find this kind of love, especially the love that could last this long.

Of course to many it may not seem as that big of a deal, but to them it felt like a huge milestone. When the couple realized this, they had to celebrate.

Solana often smiles remembering the cute but funny memory of them laying in a blanket fort they created in the living room, watching Princess And The Frog on her laptop as they shared a small chocolate cake together with Bam.

The couple had shared so many memories under half a year, not realizing something could be so possible.

Like when Jungkook was trying to look for one of his favorite hoodies to wear to the gym one day, for him only to find Solàna in the living room wearing it while reading. He only smiled fondly, shaking his head as he shrugged to go find another one to wear.

The man hadn't realized once they had established an official relationship, his clothes would become hers as well. At first, Solàna was a bit shy about asking to wear his shirts or hoodies because they always looked so comfy.

But now, she sneakily toke them because they were comfy and they always smelled like him. Even if he did catch her in the act of sneaking one of his pieces of clothing, he couldn't find it in himself to care.

Or the time he came home to Solàna and Bam dressed in a cape and glasses that the girl had ordered online a while ago. The same attire Harry Potter wore in the movies. Jungkook only laughed at the cute sight, finding it endearing how she never left the cute Doberman out.

"See! He loves his wand!", Solàna exclaimed, pointing to Bam who had a Harry Potter wand in his mouth as he looked at his Dad with innocent eyes and wagged his tail.

"I can't with you two", Jungkook chuckled, not able to stop himself from taking a picture of the two of them.

Now of course their relationship wasn't always perfect, they did have to admit. The couple had began to become immune to each other, having a bit of a routine if something bothered the other.

But then there were times where one didn't know how to help the other. Like when Solàna felt overstimulated, and she didn't exactly know how to communicate it, especially if she wasn't feeling very verbal that day.

It could be the simplest things, down to food textures or not liking how sweaty and gross she felt after they had sex.

Solàna often felt bad when she couldn't exactly explain what bothered her to Jungkook, knowing communication was a key factor in being in a relationship.

So when Solàna wasn't feeling verbal, Jungkook helped her make "safe actions" or "safe words" she could use in case she started to have extreme sensory overload. Like three taps to his arm, or "hippogriff" (a term from Harry Potter) for her safe word. And if any of those things felt impossible for Solàna to use, she just used sign language in the end.

When it came to Jungkook, Solàna was used to the things that may or may not bother him. Most of his pet peeves didn't involve her, but they mostly came from work. Jungkook was a perfectionist, meaning he wouldn't stop until everything was perfected to the T.

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