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"Abuela I promise I'm fine....i'm just a couple blocks over", Amari walked through the back alley, taking a short cut. She had stayed a little too long at the library not realizing the sun had went down. She didn't socialize with anyone from school or outside of school since they pick on her for being partially deaf hence the hearing aids she had in her ears.
She had been partially deaf since she was eight because her dad thought it was funny to blast music right near her and the base was too loud it caused her eardrums to burst gaining an infection that made her hard of hearing. She was taken in by her abuela when she turned nine, her dad lost custody of her after shooting a prophet for taking his beer at the liquor store and ended up in prison. Her mother left when she was two and never reached out or came back since.

Walking in the alley, she gazed at the wall and spots Santos graffiti and froze when she heard a spray can and made the mistake of looking to see Prophets tagging over Santos graffiti.
Putting her head down, she pulled out her phone to call her abuela back, she was suddenly grabbed from behind. Crying out, she was shoved into the wall, a harsh punch connected with her chin, causing her to fall down in a daze. She whimpered as her hair was grabbed before she felt a kick to her stomach and another over and over again. She couldn't breathe, choking out as she was picked up and grabbed her by the arms and swung her into the wall, her head hitting the cement, blood poured from the open gash on the back of her head.
Amari whimpered, dizziness clouded her mind as she curled into a ball, not being able to find her voice to scream out for help.

"That's right, puta....Prophets own this shit", a man hissed, hearing couple others before she felt a deep searing pain from her right temple all the way down to her neck, screaming in pain before they laughed and walked off.
Through blurred vision, she could see four men in green walking out of the alley laughing, before her eyes closed fading into the darkness.

Amari was found a couple hours later by a dumpster driver who immediately called the police at her unmoving, broken figure.
Police arrived on scene as did the ambulance and rushed her off to the hospital where she suffered a concussion, a few broken ribs, a broken wrist and her ears had bled from the harsh blows she received in the face but thankfully it didn't cause any serious injury to her eardrums. She also received 22 stitches from her temple to her neck, having been cut deeply by a knife. So, Amari spent three weeks in the hospital recovering before she was even able to be released from the hospital.
Due to her broken hearing aids, the hospital had given her a brand new pair and warned her to stay away from loud base music as well as to make sure no one screams in her ear, so she needed to avoid that.
Her speech was a bit raspy but her vocals were slowly getting stronger as the days went by. Amari was afraid with what happened to her and having survived; if she would now be a target for the Prophets. She had done nothing wrong.
She was terrified to go back to school, so she stayed home with her abuela since school was ending. But she was more so terrified to leave the house and go outside. She lived in constant fear and could only pray to god to help her heal and keep her safe.

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