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About four weeks ago, Amari was convinced by her abuela to finally leave the house and get fresh air and had told her that Mr Roberto is hiring her at his liquor store where she would be safe and no harm would come to her and abuela bargained with him to take her home after closing time. She was iffy about it at first but then Amari was slowly liking it so she stuck it out and was now Mr Roberto's best and only stock clerk.
Some customers had immediately started to recognize her as well as some Santos guys but she didn't pay them no mind. Prophets had started to slowly hang around outside and sometimes when she would leave they'd start cat calling her which was shot down fast by Mr Roberto.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Amari hummed softly, stocking the alcohol freezer,
"Just a couple more cases dear then we can get out of here", she hears Mr Roberto call out.
Amari smiled,
"Okay", she responded back as she continued to put the beer bottles in their respective places. A loud booming sound was heard causing her to jump, suddenly hearing cussing and yelling coming from the front. She shakily put the bottle down walking over to the shelf, she hid to the side and stuck her head out peeking only to see three Prophets holding a gun to Mr Roberto's head,


She gasped softly covering her mouth only to accidentally bump into the shelf, which made a small noise and it caused them to look over at where the sound came from and immediately smirked in her direction,

"RUN AMARI, RUN!", Mr Roberto yelled and she quickly turned around and ran through his office and out the back into the alley.

"GO, GET THAT BITCH!", a Prophet yelled out as they chased after her.

Amari cut through the houses in the back and cut through the alley, she could hear running steps behind her and she quickly climbed onto a dumpster, hopping over the fence, landing on the ground with a grunt. She ran through another backyard hoping to lose them but when she looked back, they were not to far behind her. Turning into another alley, a fence blocked her path so she climbed up and jumped over falling to the ground. She felt pain in her ankle but the adrenaline made it hard for her to feel anything. She was still recovering for certain wounds that she hoped she didn't cause any more damage to.
She caught her breath, but suddenly the sounds around her became faint, she touched her ears and frowned when she couldn't feel her hearing aids. She panted, spotting them in the grass, she went to pick them up but she screamed as the Prophets climbed up over the fence. She ran through another back yard crossing the street, she spots a bunch of tags from Santos which meant the Prophets were in Santos territory.
'Not good' she thought but kept running and looked back, panicking as they were catching up to her. Her chest burned with how much running she did but she had to get away, she would not let them hurt her again.
She turned into a small walkway on the side of the house and ran out the gate, turning left, she jumped over the fence, instantly regretting it as her foot got caught at the top which sent her falling face first. She groaned in pain, a small whimper escaped her, rubbing the side of her head. She slowly sat up, her entire body froze as she sees a bunch of cholos walking towards her.
She scooted back terrified as a bald one who took a sip of his beer raised an eyebrow at her,
"Damn, Shorty, that looked like it hurt", he chuckled but his expression died down along with the others when they took notice of how scared she was.
Amari flinched not realizing or seeing the other cholo beside her holding his hand out for her to take. She gazed up to see he was slim built, about 6'4-6'5 and his eyes had a softness to them.
She shakily takes his hand, he helped her stand up just as the Prophets ran in and she hid behind his tall figure.


Amari peeked out to see the bald cholo had a gun raised as well as the man she was hiding behind.

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