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Halloween was never a good day to spend outdoors in freeridge. It was a curse and nightmare for normal people because gangs like Prophets and 19th Street love to pop off everywhere just to make trouble and be stupid. Most days it isn't the same as this night but the day was still young so maybe just maybe; cross fingers, that things would be different.
Amari hoped for a wonderful Halloween since Sad Eyes bought her a cute snuggly stitch costume that she was so much in love with. They were having a little party at Spooky's and she was definitely gonna dress in her costume for that occasion.

"SMOKE BOMB!", she jumped out of her thoughts as the bell rang and suddenly smoke filled the hallways to which she coughed and quickly dashed out of there.
She spots Jasmine approaching,
"Hey girl..", she says catching up to Amari, inhaling a puff from her inhaler, "you going out tonight?", she asked, which Amari shrugged her shoulders,
"Not sure yet. You know, it's never safe to go out, well everyone should know that", she retorted as Jasmine nods,
"So true girl, so true", she takes another puff from her inhaler, "how's that fine cholo of yours?", she wiggled her eyebrows moving her face closer to Amari's.
Amari pushed her head away with a gross expression but chuckled,
"He's fine. Goodbye Jasmine",
She waved running off campus.
She shook her head, that girl was a major pain but she was thankful for her helping her with her hearing aids incident. Because of her, she definitely wouldn't have made it to the health room.
She feels her phone vibrate in her pocket, she pulls it out to see a text from Ruby:

{Hey Pretty girl😜 meet at my house to discuss the shut in- yours truly Ruben🩷} -Ruby

She giggled at the text knowing how important this tradition of the shut in, is for Ruby. But she wouldn't never miss it. She headed in the direction of Ruby's house where she was instantly caught off guard by Monse and Jamal jumping out from behind a bunch of bushes. She swung her fist and connected with Monses jaw,
"Dammit Monse...why?", she snapped as Jamal helped her up, "you know ever since what happened, I get scared about sudden things".

Monse gave her a thumbs up with a wince as Jamal nervously stepped back,
"It was all her idea", he gulped.
Amari rolled her eyes,
"Do that again and your jaw won't be the only thing I'll hit next time", she retorted walking off. She walked into Ruby's yard and up to his door, knocking.
She quirked an eyebrow as the door opened and his eyes lit up as he saw her,
"Amari, my dear love. You made it, welcome", he stuttered, escorting her in and pushed some pillows away so she could take a seat.
Amari smiled at his manliness, she knew how bad of a crush he had on her since meeting her but he also had a crush on his so called not blood cousin. It was cute.

"So, Ruben, what's the deets on your traditional shut in?", she asked, her attention on Ruby as Jamal spoke up,
"Ahhh...she danced on Soul Train", he scoffed, "that's what choo choo means".

Amari had no idea what he was talking about but Ruby cut in,
"Eighty-six the chitchat and focus", he snapped, "this is gonna be our best shut in ever. But we have to follow protocol", he said but Monse interrupted,
"Dude we know the drill", she rubbed her jaw.

"This year's different. It's not about our survival....hopefully. It's about Amari and Olivia", he said which Amari glanced at him with an eyebrow raised,
"There was magic on the first day we met. And magic in our first dance", he whined. Amari giggled remembering how they first met. He was trying to steal a bag of candy from the liquor store from a date Cesar made him do. Which ended up with him, face planted against the icebox and a retrieval of the candy he stole.
Plus, Mr Roberto called his mom. Yikes.

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