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Amari was gently shaken awake hearing her alarm going off. She groaned turning to see Sad Eyes staring at the ceiling. She leaned her body on his chest, her chin on his,
"You okay?", she asked softly.
Amari rubbed his chin feeling the light stubble on it as he wrapped an arm around her waist,
"I'm good, Hermosa....you want me to take you?", he asked looking down at her.
Amari smiled but shook her head,
"No it's okay. I'm just gonna pick up my schedule and then I'll meet you at Spooky's, if you're going?", she lifted up taking a seat and crossing her legs. His hand rubber thigh with a nod,
"Yeah, meet me there and let me know when you leave the school okay?", he said sitting up to capture her lips. Amari hummed smiling as he pushed her lightly. She hopped off the bed, opening the closet she pulls out her jean shorts, hoodie and beanie. She got ready wanting to look somewhat decent for her picture.
Once she was ready she kissed Sad Eyes goodbye and left for orientation.
Reaching the school, Amari spots the line and she was surprised with how small the line was. She quickly walked up and instantly regret it when Jasmine squealed standing next to her. She's the girl who had a major crush on Ruby and once she starts opening her mouth it never shuts up.
It gave her a headache and she was grateful that the line moved up some, so she was closer to getting her schedule in hand.
Ignoring Jasmine she walked over to the table, giving her name and was relieved to have her schedule in hand, quickly walking away.
Looking it over, she frowned at all her classes:
1) AP Computer Science
2) AP Environmental science
3) AP Lit
4) AP Physics
5) AP Macroeconomics
6) AP Calculus
7) AP United Stated Government and Politics

"What the hell?" She grumbled staring at the list of classes she needed to take in order to graduate. It's like the school was out to get her. Her phone ran, catching her attention, she pulls it out to see Monse's goofy face,

"Hello...", she answered folding her schedule.

"Hey, Amari. Can you meet us outside of the school near the entrance, I need a favor", she said as Amari quirked an eyebrow,
"I'm actually near the....", she paused gazing up to see Jamal and Monse,
"Guys!", she called out as she hung up her phone waving to them.

Monse angrily shushed Jamal then looked back to Amari who was confused by how pissed she was,
"Sorry, but do you have any idea as to what Cesar told them? He said something but they won't tell me exactly what...and they aren't speaking to each other", she said which Amari had no idea what she was even talking about. Last she spoke to Cesar was when Spooky got out.

"Sorry, Monse. I have no clue but why don't you ask him. He should be home", she suggested which Jamal gave Amari a 'are you serious' look.
Monse smirked back at him,
"That's a good idea. Let's go", she said pulling them in the direction of Cesar's home.
Amari pulled out her phone texting Sad Eyes that she'd be going to Spooky's house cause her friend got issues with Spooky's brother. She could hear Jamal trying to talk Monse out of talking to Cesar. Amari had no idea what was going on and she definitely didn't get the 411 on it so she was not getting involved with their drama.
Amari stops beside Monse and Jamal who looked across the street to see a bunch of Santos guys outside, Spooky was lifting weights and Cesar was on the couch next to him chatting.
Jamal hyperventilated,
"Are you high?", he exclaimed, freaking out, "I'm not gonna hash shit out. To what end? Death", he placed a hand on her arm,
"Cesar, might've joined the gang", he said but Monse pushed his arm off denying it,
"He's not stupid. He's affiliated, yes, because of his brother, but...", she was cut off by Jamal,
"And his cousins, his uncles, his dad, his grandpa. Even the gay one", he listed, saying the last part softly which caused Amari to giggle.
She gazed over to see Sad Eyes was there, hanging out with Joker on the porch area. She smiled and went to tell them she was going but they ignored her and continued on, so she shrugged and ran across the street leaving them to figure out their own stuff.

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