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Once Spooky pulled up at the drug store, glancing at the time, Amari was let out by Sad Eyes and she rushed inside heading straight for the pharmacy line. She was relieved to see that the line wasn't even long; just two people in front of her.
She jumped feeling something touch her arm and she was surprised to see Sad Eyes standing next to her. Her eyes trail his face then to his eyes and froze to see he was staring right into hers. Her heart beat wildly as did his, staring into each other's eyes like they were piercing their souls. She feels him nudge her cheek to the side, a soft giggle escapes her as he smirks before walking up to the counter.
Amari smiled at Mr Garcia who's own smile grew wide,
"Mari dear, how are you? You were just here couple days ago, is everything okay?", he asked, worried a little.

Amari nods,
"I'm okay, um, do you have any hearing aids in stock like the ones given to me?", she asked softly. She watches as he checks the shelf's and pulls out a box of the same hearing aids,
"I sure do. But may I ask? What happened to the ones the hospital gave you?", he worriedly questions.

Amari glanced at Sad Eyes who stood next to her,
"It got sort of destroyed", she slowly pulls them out of her pocket and places them on the counter, "Prophets chased me in the alley", she mumbled.
Mr Garcia stared at Sad Eyes who eyed him dangerously,
"Oh dear....I'm glad to see you're alright and not hurt. But your file doesn't have any medical insurance and replacing them costs a lot", he says, sounding faint to her.
Amari sadly picks up her hearing aids,
"How much is it?", she asked feeling hopeful that it didn't cost much since she had some money saved for emergency purposes and this was an emergency.
Mr Garcia put his glasses on, clicking a few buttons and sighed softly,
"It'll cost you about $3,869 including taxes", he informed her turning the computer to show her and she frowned as she only had about $854 in her bank.
She shook her head, gazing over at Sad Eyes feeling ashamed that he had to hear all that,
"I...I don't have that much", she softly said playing with her fingers.

Mr Garcia sadly turns the computer back towards him,
"I'm really sorry dear, I would help you but the only way to get it, is to either pay up front or have medical insurance that can at least cover some of the cost", he explained apologizing.
Amari nods clearing her throat, she put up a brave front even though she really wanted to so badly cry and scream, she thanked him and walked away followed by Sad Eyes who couldn't stop staring at how hurt she looked; emotionally.
Amari wiped her tears that fell, walking out of the store ignoring Sad Eyes soft calls of her name and leaned against the wall, sliding to the ground as she began to sob.

"What the hell happened?", she heard Spooky ask Sad Eyes who rubbed his face down,
"Pendejo said she won't be able to replace them. She got to pay out of pocket and the price is stupid", he replied as Spooky blew out his cigarette smoke,
"What is it?", he asked.
Sad eyes glanced at Amari who hid her face crying in her arms,
"Close to $4,000", he stated, eyes finding Amari's who wiped her face with the back of her hand,
"Can you take me home?", she softly asked, sniffling.
Sad Eyes cleared his throat, kneeling down he wipes a stray tear that rolled down her face,
"Give me your thing", he pointed to the broken hearing aids on the ground. Amari quietly picks them up confused to why he wanted them and watches him walk away and into the store.
Amari sees Spooky follow after him and she was left alone. She tiredly rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe any of what was going on. Her mind was just trying to comprehend the fact she can't afford new hearing aids.

"Here", she jumped slightly looking up to see Spooky holding out a small bag of chips and a Coca-Cola can. She slowly takes it, thanking him quietly, opening the chip bag,
"The Prophets shouldn't bother you after today", Spooky spoke up, looking down at her.
Amara sighed eating a chip,
"I doubt that", she said seeing him quirk and eyebrow,
"It's just this time it won't be any different. They like to hang outside my job anyways, so what's the difference", she says as Spooky inhales his smoke,
"Difference is you got us", he stated.

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