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A couple of weeks had gone by and Amari had liked two out of seven classes which she had predicted for herself. The gang had been real iffy about Cesar, well more so Jamal and Ruby. Monse was all on Cesar which she had taken notice to how close they were.
But Cesar been MIA for a bit and she found out from Sad Eyes they jumped him in person Spooky's request. She was a bit weary about it cause she knew Cesar didn't have what it took to be in the Santos. But he had no choice being raised in that life it was his turn to grow up and become a man.
The sound of a phone ringing woke Amari up, she turned to her right to see it was her phone screen lighting up. She went to grab it but an arm traps her and she giggled feeling Sad Eyes kiss her neck,
"Mmmm", she moaned as she turned sitting on his lap but Sad Eyes turns her so that she laid under him,
"Hermosa, as much as I want to take you right now", he groans feeling her nakedness, "get your fine ass in the shower, you have school soon", he said as she giggled, leaning up kissing his neck.
"Hermosa", he whispered but Amari had other plans and she made sure Sad Eyes never forgot this moment. She captured his lips in a heated kiss before she pulled him into her and they made love till her phone interrupted her.
She sat up, grabbing her phone she sees it was Ruby's contact. She answered the call,
"Hey Ruby...?", she quirked an eyebrow.
He called to see if she could meet them at his house because they came up with a plan and before she could question what it was about, he hung up.
She squealed as Sad Eyes picked her up and they jumped in the shower.


Amari sat next to Cesar on Ruby's bed where she was placed by Ruby himself. Her arms crossed, glancing between the three as they talked too fast and amongst themselves. She turned her head to Cesar who shrugged before interrupting their banter,
"Yo! One at a time, we're not following", he said which Ruby raised his hand instantly, overwhelmed with excitement,
"Sorry, it's excitement. We've been chewing on this the last two weeks. And it's finally time to move forward with a plan", he excitedly says.

Cesar looked at Amari who was confused just like him,
"A plan for what?", they chorused.

"Getting you out of the gang", Monse replied with a proud smile.

Cesar laughs out loud as Amari shakes her head, these guys were crazy if they think Cesar can just leave the gang. He stops laughing, seeing their expression,
"You're serious?", he retorted as they nod, "oh my gosh. No! No, no, no, no. There is no out. You guys are being naive. Once you're jumped in, you can't get out. Unless, you get jumped out, and that's not, you know, an option", he shook his head in disbelief looking down as Amari agreed with him.

Jamal was curious though,
"Why not?", he asked.

Cesar looked over at him but Amari spoke up,
"Because they will literally beat you till you die", she stated.

Jamal frowned,
"Oh, I see his dilemma now", he retorted.

Amari can understand what they were trying to do but that just isn't how things worked in the Santos.
"Death isn't the only option. Ruby!", Monse speaks up. Amari rubbed her forehead feeling a small headache forming,
"So, after copious amount of research, I've formulated a theory that all great things come in threes: The Holy Trinity. Primary colors. Destiny's child....", he was cut off by Jamal,
"D.C. started with four members", he pointed out.

"But, they weren't big until they were three. Which is why there are three common denominators to end any and all hostile situations. I call them the three M's", he held out binders that he grabbed from his closet,
"Money, murder, manipulation", he hands Jamal and Monse their binders, "no, not that one. They're watermarked", he stated to them.
Amari pulled out her phone to see a text from Sad Eyes:

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