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The next day at school, the gang had heard what happened to Amari and was constantly asking her if she was okay and if she needed anything, which she was seriously regretting going to school. They couldn't stop badgering her with questions. She changed the subject onto Ruby who she had took notice was not there. She asked where he was and Cesar scoffed motioning to Monse,
"Because of her, he's talking to my brother", he spoke through clenched teeth.
Amari winced at that, she thought Monse would have dropped the damn subject.

"I DID IT! I DID IT", they turn to see Ruby approaching them with a big smile on his face,
"I mean, it's done. I rocked that talk hard", he said earning a weary smile from Cesar, "and for a guy named Spooky, he's surprisingly jovial", he tells them.

"Wait, are you serious, Ruby?", Jamal questioned holding his books.

"Ruben", he corrected, "and yes. Cesar's out the gang....Boom. Killed it", he smirked.

Cesar smiled softly,
"You did kill it. You killed it so hard that I got promoted", he spoke up. Amari groaned smacking her forehead, she literally warned them that something like this would happen. But no they had to just keep tampering in the Santos business.

Ruby frowned shaking his head,
"No. Spooky and I had an understanding", he tried to explain but Cesar sadly looks at him,
"Just got a text, I'm gonna be running for the Santos", he said.
Amari wrapped an arm around
Ruby feeling bad; he was only trying to help his friend,
"No, no, no, no. That can't be true. He must be joking", he breathed out.

Cesar stopped him,
"Compa, I love you for trying, but like I said, this deal is done. And I don't blame you. I blame Monse", he stared at Monse who looked at him in disbelief,

"Yeah. You're the instigator and the freakin honey badger. You don't quit. Now you have to. No more. We're done", Cesar tells Monse leaving no from for her to respond.

Ruby puts his head down pushing Amari's arm off his shoulder gently, feeling very sad,
"And so is "Ruben". I'm not man enough to bear that name", he stated walking away with dread. Amari motioned for Jamal to follow after Ruby and raise and eyebrow at Monse's behavior,
"This has got to stop, Monse. What you're doing, is only gonna make things very worse for him", she points to Cesar, "once you're in that's it. Theirs no way out so stop....or he's gonna get worse shit happening to him if you continue to do what you just pulled", she tells her walking away from them. She passed some girl who was headed straight to them. She headed on to her next class not caring about the whole Cesar situation. She just wanted this school day to be over.
But no matter what the school days were, she could say on the outside shit got weird quick.

A few days had passed and Amari had taken notice how close Monse and Cesar had gotten. She was 100 percent certain that what Ruby had told her about Cesar smashing Monse before she left for camp wasn't really a lie. She caught them sneakily giving each other kisses and she so did not want to get into that drama, so she spent most of her days with Sad Eyes and Spooky but other times she'd spend with Ruby at his house.


Amari sat at the lunch table with a pissed off expression. She didn't know how she was gonna finish her project when no one wanted to be her partner. Telling the teacher how are they suppose to work with a deaf girl. She ripped up her project paper, tossing it on the table. She pulled out her homemade lunch Sad Eyes made for her. Ever since her whole little incident last week, he's been overly protective and concerned, worrying everytime her ears had a small hint of pain.
She loved him for that.
She ate her food quietly but that quietness went out the door quick when she spots Jamal, Cesar and Ruby walking towards the table she was sitting at. Then she hears Monse and some girl she hasn't met behind her,

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