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{❤️‍🔥Three Years Later❤️‍🔥}

The relationship Amari and Sad Eyes had was unbreakable. Their bond was like nothing anyone has ever seen. They were made for each other like soul mates. Amari was put under protection of Santos as well as she was now a Santos member which Spooky made sure no one jumped her in since she was claimed by Sad Eyes and earned a lot of respect from the old timers as well as the older Santos. Most gringas were jealous of her but she had no care for that.
Sad Eyes proposed to her a year ago and their age difference never stopped them from being together if anything it made them stronger and whole.
The right side of her neck, she bares the cross tattoo of the Santos, she was also Spooky's left hand in dealing with the secret stash. Both Sad Eyes nor Spooky wanted her to ever handle a drop, that they'd leave that for the others. Her life was going very well and she could only thank them for it.
But....Spooky ended up in prison and shit has been definitely dying down because he wasn't there. So, he left Sad Eyes in charge and she didn't mind it as she would shiver at his tone of dominance. It made her hot and here they were three years later.


Amari played candy crush on her new phone since she had accidentally broke her last one, by throwing it at Cesar for taking her hearing aid and hiding it from her. He was an evil little klutz.
"Yes..", she mumbled as she solved the level. Sad eyes was next to her bobbing his head to the hip hop gangster music.
She feels the car come to a stop but she had to beat the next level, grumbling incoherently she jumped slightly feeling an arm on her shoulder,
"Mamas....", she turned to see Sad Eyes standing outside the car smirking softly at her.
She clicked her phone off and climbed out, taking his hand, she gazed around at the seniors drinking and dancing and smoking with some Santos members,

"This looks more like a street club than a senior party", she softly said as Sad Eyes chuckled pulling her body into his side,
"Senior parties ain't all that bad baby", he said wrapping a possessive arm around her neck and walks toward the house, his liquor in a brown paper bag. She waved at some of the Santos and smiled at some of the women who greeted her. Amari followed Sad Eyes through the house and out into the back yard.
She was dressed in cargo black pants, a black tank top and a black zip up hoodie she stole from Sad Eyes loving his scent on her.
Her Santos tattoo was in full display so others could see. Amari was taken by Spooky's old ruca and was smothered by her and gushing on her outfit,
"Oh my god babes, you look so darn cute", she squealed clapping.
Amari awkwardly blushed looking back at Sad Eyes for help and he smiled giving her a wink. She groaned seeing him glance at her every once in a while and would quickly turn so that he wouldn't notice her checking him out.
But little did she know, Sad Eyes would always have his eyes on her and when he caught her he couldn't help but smirk,
"Ay, ese, how's your esposa doing. I heard her hearing got better", he turned to Joker, nodding he took a sip of his beer,
"She has her good days and bad days with it. But, she's  doing way better from way back then", he gruffly said as Joker gave him a pat on the back, taking a sip of his own beer,
"Screw those pinche prophet putas", he said.


Amari continued to awkwardly chat with Monica; Spooky's old ruca but paused when she squinted her eyes spotting Cesar sneaking out of the house and into the backyard. She spots the gang standing outside the fence spying. She excused herself, walking through the seniors and right past Mario and Angelica who was full on tonguing each other, but she yelped as she was grabbed suddenly and pulled back into a hard chest. 
She smiled in relief to see Sad Eyes staring down at her,
"Tonió, you scared me", she smacked his arm as he kissed her cheek,
"Sorry, Hermosa.Where' you going?", he asked, lifting his hand to his lips and she spots him going to take a puff of his cigarette but she snatched it out of his hand, killing it,
"I told you these are bad for you", she softly tells him earning a soft look.
She squealed as he picked her up from behind her thighs,
"I love when you do that", he mumbled, caressing her cheek just as she felt her back touch the wall. He captured her lips in a deep gentle kiss, humming, she bit his lip gently, feeling his hands make their way under her tank top, touching her skin, sending shivers throughout her whole body. Pulling away, he groaned,
"You're killing me mamas", he gruffly says. Amari smiled pecking his cheek, she spots Cesar sneaking out the back yard,
"I'll be right back", she pecked his lips as he gently placed her on her feet, smacking her butt with a smirk. Amari giggled creeping around the small garden shack and she spots Jamal, Monse, Ruby and Cesar. She crouched lower so that they wouldn't see her and sees them take a sip from their beer cans which she rose an eyebrow at. Waiting for the perfect moment, she hears Ruby talk about how he missed her so much and before anyone could respond she jumped up,

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