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💭Dream 💭

"That's right puta...Prophets own this shit", the Prophet barked out laughing.
She was kicked and punched over and over again until it stopped suddenly.

"Hermosa....", through blurred vision she sees Sad Eyes holding his chest and blood poured out of the wound.

"NOOOOOO!", Amari screamed as everything went black.

💭End of Dream💭

Amari sat up with a scream, sweat coated her body as it trickled down her skin. The sheets somewhat soaked with it. She touched her face, feeling the scar and exhaled, catching her breath. She had no clue why she would be dreaming the same shit over and over. That night haunted her bad. A few days had gone by since Halloween night and since then, Amari had been getting awful nightmares and she knew she worried the hell out of Sad Eyes since she wouldn't tell him what her dreams were about. And it made him feel helpless, not knowing what to do or how to help her. He even went as far as getting Spooky involved which didn't work because she shut them both out. Till the very day, Amari continued with going to school then going straight home and locking herself in their bedroom not saying a word to anyone or answering her phone for her friends.

Sad Eyes was seated at the table, exhaustion written all over his face. He hears the door open and his eyes trail Amari's figure as she wore sweatpants, one of his hoodies, she wore her hair in a high ponytail with a headband as well as her backpack rested on both shoulders.
She quietly walked into the kitchen, opening the icebox, she takes out a water bottle. Sad Eyes casted his eyes down to his hands, it hurt so bad that she never spoke a word to him.

Amari couldn't bring herself to anything to him so she leaned down kissing his cheek which is the most she has done and it caught his attention. He quickly grabbed her hand before she could run off,
"I can take you to school", he softly offered as she gazed into his eyes and she could see some dark circles as well as the sadness in them. She did that to him!
She nods at him as he stood up grabbing his car keys and led her outside.
Amari hopped into the passenger seat as he got in the driver seat, starting the engine, pulling out the driveway, he drove in the direction of her school. Amari stared out the window as she noticed they passed Spooky's house, her knee bounced nervously,
"I'm sorry, Toniò", she whispered out.
She feels the car come to a stop and looks to see they were in front of the school. She sees him put the car in park, shutting the engine off, he turned to her as she looked away feeling small from his gaze. Sad Eyes reached over caressing her cheek,
"Talk to me mamas. What's been going on? You haven't really spoken to me since Halloween and I...I feel so hopeless like maybe I did something wrong. Because if I did...tell me Hermosa so I can fix it", he said rubbing her cheek.

Amari placed her hand against his, leaning into his touch,
"You didn't do anything Toniò", she whispered squeezing his hand as a tear fell from her eye,
"Please, talk to me baby, please", Sad Eyes pleaded.

Amari sniffled, wiping her nose, she minus we'll come out with the truth,
"Since Halloween, I've been having dreams about the Prophets and what they did to me before I met you", she explained seeing a frown etch upon his face,
"I know
It's stupid but no matter how many times I have a good dream that night always changes and I'm back in that alley either listening to myself being hurt or I'm seeing you....getting shot and I can't do anything to save you", she sobbed in the sleeve parts of her hoodie.
She hears him sigh, pulling her body into his,
"I really wish I knew you before that, then none of that would have happened....but I would never let that happen to you Hermosa, over my dead body", he caressed her cheek, "I'd die for you baby".
Amari shook her head after hearing that, she leaned forward and kissed him, pushing against his lips, deepening it. It caused him to grunt, pulling back, he missed that very much and if they continued, he was definitely not gonna let her out of the car and he'd show her just how much she means to him,

"I'll pick you up afterschool", he breathed out.

Amari squeezed his hand,
"I actually promised Ruby I'd meet up with him at his house later. Jamal is gonna be there too. Something about an app", she explains shrugging as he smiled shaking his head,
"Okay. I'll pick you up later from his house", he leaned forward capturing her lips once more before he had to let her go, otherwise she'd be late. He was glad she told him what's been bothering her and now he just needed to inform Spooky on it. They were after all best friends.


Amari sat at the outdoor table clearly frustrated about her homework in AP Environmental Science. Her teacher was mailing it very very hard for her to even enjoy the class. It's like he was out to get her or something.
She sighed inwardly, banging her head harshly against the table. She heard footsteps heading her way but her mind was mushed and paid no mind to it.
"Hey Amari? Everything okay?", she lifted her head to see Jasmine giving her a worried expression.
Amari rubbed her temple,
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Jasmine", she muttered seeing Jasmine nod with a soft look before she walked off with her group of friends.

She tilts her head spotting Monse talking to Cesar not too far from where she sat. It seemed like they were in a somewhat good conversation. Her phone rang, she pulled it out of her pocket to see Ruby's huge face, she chuckled answering the call,
"Hi Ruby", she greeted softly.

"Hola mamacita, so don't forget, my house afterschool be there", he spoke seductively with Amari giggled at,
"I'll be there. Bye Ruby", she hung up their call.
She sighed putting all her homework into her backpack and walked off campus heading straight to Ruby's house.
Walking alongside the sidewalk, she took noticed that she would be passing Spooky's house. She instantly remembered how she made to Sad Eyes for the past few days and how she ignored Spooky. She didn't want to burden them with her stupid dreams.
She could hear laughing from ahead and the whistling started as she approached the house, her heart beat wildly at Sad Eyes who sat on the chair in the front yard while Spooky sat on the steps,

"Yo chica!"

"Sup girly"

Amari waved at the older Santos walking over to Sad Eyes who stood up with a curious expression. Probably wondering why she was here. She instantly wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling the warmth his body gave,
"You okay, Hermosa?", he asked, rubbing her back. Amari nods in his chest before leaning her whole weight on him causing him to chuckle, lifting her up,
"School was rough today?", he gazed into her eyes seeing her nod. He sighed kissing her cheek just as Spooky called out to her.
Amari walked over to him, taking a seat,
"Sad Eyes told me everything. You okay?", he asked, blowing out his smoke.

Amari leaned her head on his arm exhaling,
"Yeah I'm sorry...", he cut her off with a pat on the back,
"No need to apologize Shorty. I understand", he said inhaling his smoke.

"I came to say hi before I head to Ruby's", she spoke up gazing over to Sad Eyes,
"I won't stay too long".
Sad Eyes nods handing her a water bottle to make sure she stayed hydrated. She thanked him, giving a hug to Spooky spotting Cesar walking over awkwardly. She had no idea why but she was sure it was because of Monse and the others. But she's sure she'd find out or Jamal will spill the beans to her.
She stood up, shaking out her leg, giving a nod to him turning to Sad Eyes,
"I'll call you when to pick me up", she softly says.
Sad Eyes leaned down capturing her lips,
"I love you Hermosa", he said pulling back. Amari smiled giving him one more kiss,
"I love you more Toniò"; she replied whole heartedly. She walked off heading straight over to Ruby's house. She wondered why Ruby wanted her there. But she was pretty sure she'd find out once she got there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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