Episode 1: Beacon of Hope

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Episode 1: Beacon of Hope

Isla Nublar

3rd person POV

"Run, run, run!" Darius screamed as he bolted forward, Sammy and Brooklyn close behind, while Patrick was carrying Yaz in the back right next to Kenji. They were running from a spoked Para. Brooklyn turned to the three.

"Is the parasarurolopus still there?!" Brooklyn yelled.

Patrick and Kenji looked back to the para still chasing them when suddenly Rexy, the T-Rex bit the hadrosaur's neck causing Patrick, Yaz and Kenji to scream.

"NOT ANYMORE!" Kenji screamed in terror.

"COVER TO THE LEFT! GO!" Patrick yelled, running towards a fallen tree, followed quickly by the others. The crouched behind it while Patrick looked out the corner of of the tree to see Rexy grab the Para's neck with her mouth while it struggled for its life until Rexy just snapped its neck, killing her prey. Rexy dragged the para's body towards the bushes out of Patrick's sight.

"They're gone." Patrick said with relief. Everyone sighed. Patrick felt Yaz lean her head on his shoulder to rest. Her eyes were closed when Patrick looked down at her, smiling.

Darius and Sammy looked at the track star and the archer, then at each other knowingly. They were brought out of their thoughts when Kenji screamed.

"Why are there so many dinosaurs around!" Kenji yelled in distress.

"Well, it's either your boyish charm, or that all the fences on the island are down." Brooklyn explained panting.

"Definitely not your 'boyish charm' Kon" Patrick taunted.

"I don't even care." Yaz said out of breath getting off Patrick's shoulder. "Right now, I just want a sandwich. We haven't eaten since we had those awful carob bars that Ben..."

She stopped herself, realizing her mistake. Everyone looked down sadly. Ben's death hadn't really sunk in for everyone yet, but they had no choice but to keep moving. Yaz looked at Patrick who was looking down at the ground. She was about to put a hand on his shoulder when he stood up suddenly, leaving her there.

"Come on, we need to move" Patrick ordered picking up his bow. Sammy helped Yaz up and carried her forward.

"I can't keep running like this..." Sammy groaned as Darius came to a stop.

"We don't have to." He said pointing towards a building in the distance. 

The innovation center.

"Main Street! That's bound to have everything we need!" Patrick exclaimed, causing the campers to run towards the building. Darius stayed back for a minute before following the others.

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