Episode 3: The Great Valley

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Episode 3: The Great Valley


3rd person POV

The camper's shelter was about halfway complete so the kids each made their beds randomly around the area.

Darius was the first to wake up and found that Patrick was gone. The boy walked over Yaz, Kenji and Sammy to get to where Patrick usually slept. He found a note that said 'went hunting. Be back soon-Patrick'

"Better get a fire going" Darius said to himself as he heard everyone else start to wake up. Yaz looked around.

"Where's Pat?" Yaz asked

"He went hunting. He'll be back" Darius answered handing Yaz the note. She read it and nodded looking a little worried.

"Are you okay girl?" Brooklyn asked.

"Oh, uhm, I'm fine. Just slightly worried." Yaz said. Everyone stared at her for a few seconds before Kenji let out a snort. "What?"

"Yasmina, the dude fought Kara and won, I think he'll be fine." Kenji said causing Yaz to nod in agreement.

"It's just..." She started before getting interrupted by Patrick walking through the bushes with a bag in his left hand and his bow in the other.

"What's up?" He asked grinning. He three the bag on the ground. "I got us food."

Darius opened the bag revealing six dead Compys. He backed up in disgust.

"Why would you do that?!" Darius demanded.

"Dude, circle of life. If I didn't, we wouldn't have any breakfast." Patrick argued as he began to set up a fire. Yaz put a hand on The Archer's shoulder, causing Patrick to look up at her. She smirked at him knowingly. Patrick sighed at looked at Darius.

"Set up the fire and cook the compys. They should be ready by nightfall, which'll be right before we come back." Patrick explained causing everyone except Yaz to look around confused.

"Where are you going?" Kenji asked.

"There's, something me and Yaz have to do" Patrick responded. "Darius you're in charge."

Before anyone could object Patrick and Yaz were walking through the bushes and were out of sight. Darius turned to everyone who remained.

"Alright. Let's cook these Compys" Darius said.

"Wonder what that was about?" Kenji asked causing Brooklyn to scowl at him.

"You're so dense Kon, it's impressive." Brooklyn insulted causing Kenji t to raise an eyebrow as they got to work.

With Patrick and Yaz gone the others began setting up the fire.

"Alright, Kenji, gather the firewood, Brooklyn, Sammy, grab some rocks and something to light it, I'll gather the compys." Darius ordered as he reluctantly returned to the compy corpses. Everyone got to work.

With Patrick and Yaz.

"Ha! Can't catch me archer!" Yaz teased as she ran full speed through the forest laughing wildly. She zigzagged around the trees looking backwards at the archer who had already fallen on the ground in exhaustion. "Oh, come on! How are you already tired?!"

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