Episode 7: Unthinkable (season finale)

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Episode 7: Unthinkable (season finale)

Patrick was leading Brooklyn, Kenji, Ben and Hap down towards his uncle's garage.

"If Mitch and Tiff are smart, they'll go through the thick jungle to avoid the large carnivores." Patrick explained. "Perfect opportunity for Slade to ambush them."

"Look, Patrick. About Slade. We didn't tell you because..." Brooklyn started.

"I get it Brook. You didn't want me knowing about the Mirikuru." Patrick said smiling. "It's okay. Now I just need to make up with Yaz." 

"Why?" Ben asked oblivious.

"They're dating, Ben." Kenji deadpanned "why do you think Hap call Yaz Patrick's girlfriend?"

"Oh." Was all Ben said.

Patrick notched an arrow as he heard a Baryonx roar.

"Grim, Limbo and Chaos are nearby." Patrick said. They finally reached the garage and saw the Baryonx pack playing with each other. "Crap."

"What do we do?" Brooklyn asked as Patrick thought. 

"There should be a back door we can sneak through." Patrick said. "I'll distract them"

"What? No way!" Brooklyn whispered. She was about to argue with him when he fired three arrows behind the pack causing the Dino's to get distracted and turn around. Patrick turned to Brooklyn. 

"What? You didn't think I was going to run out there, did you?" Patrick asked sarcastically. Brooklyn rolled her eyes annoyed. Kenji walked ahead and banged on the back door.

"Locked." Kenji groaned. "Don't suppose anyone has a key?"

"No. But we have a Bumpy." Said Ben smirking. Bumpy let out a roar for joy as she hit the door with her tail, knocking it down.

"Nice work" Patrick said pushing Hap inside. 

Kenji and Brooklyn took Hap to look around while Patrick saw an office. Written on it was a name.

'Owen Grady'

Patrick opened the door and saw a board that looked like a detective board. In the middle of it was written 'Prometheus'

"Uncle Owen was investigating Prometheus." Patrick said to himself in shock. He picked one of the post cards and read it out loud. "What does Prometheus want?"

He picked up another. 

"Is Hoskins involved?" 

He picked up another note and his eyes went wide. He scratched his eyes in shock making sure he was reading it right. 

It read 'what does Fadoula know?'

"What the hell does Yaz have to do with this?" Patrick asked in shock. He looked around the room and saw a laptop. He sat down on the desk and opened the laptop that still had 20% battery. Patrick clicked the video files and saw one Labeled 'Prometheus x6'

Patrick clicked the video and saw Uncle Owen wearing his classic brown vest and sitting on a chair in the same office from his home.

"Day 6 of investigating Prometheus. We finally have a lead on who this man is. We raided one of his safe house's where he was forging weapons. Bow and some Arrows, swords even throwing knives." Owen explained to the video. "We got there right before he wiped on of his computers and saw he was trying to contact a woman named Fadoula. I'm going to interview this woman and find out what she knows. One step closer to keeping Patrick safe." 

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