Episode 2: The Art of Chill

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Episode 2: The Art of Chill

3rd person POV

Kenji, Brooklyn, Sammy and Yaz were all leaning on trees in the forest. Patrick left about an hour ago to scope out his uncle's cabin with Spike to see if they could set up there while Darius was on a tree with binoculars. 

He was scoping out the general area but gave up when he saw two Baryonxes and a flock of pterosaurs where they wanted to set up. He sighed and climbed back down to the others.

"Good news?" Sammy asked as she and Brooklyn walked towards Darius while Yasmina tried to follow but grunted in pain as she did.

"The Pteranodons are nest on the eastern mountains, so that's out." Darius explained.

"Ugh, bad news" Sammy groaned and took out a map of the island. 

"So, we can't stay on main. Street because dinosaurs. The mountains, grasslands and jungle, because dinosaurs." Brooklyn complained as Yaz limped behind Sammy.

"And Kenji's penthouse is out, because he's bad at math." Yasmina said glaring at Kenji.

"Hey! I didn't think my dad was serious about changing the locks if failed algebra." Kenji argued.

"That's actually completely your fault." Yaz said bluntly.

"Okay well whatever. The whole island is full of dinosaurs. We're cooked!" Kenji said crossing him arms.

"Well hold on. Patrick still is checking out his uncle's cabin." Darius said trying to lighten the mood.


Everyone turned to the voice and saw the archer walking through the bushes with Spike by his side.

"What happened?" Darius asked.

"Dinosaurs are using that area as a breeding ground." He said. Him and Spike had eyes that looked like they had come back from war.

"Are, you, okay?" Yasmina asked.

"I have seen things..." he said causing everyone to groan at the thought of what Patrick saw. 

"We're cooked" Patrick said bluntly.

"We can't give up yet. We activated the emergency beacon. Now we just need to hold up somewhere until help arrives." Sammy explained trying to reassure everyone. 

"Where, it's been days?" Yaz asked.

"Well, there is one place we haven't tried yet." Darius pointed out causing everyone to look at him.

After a few minutes the gang arrived at the ruins of Camp Cretaceous, destroyed by the indominus. Patrick had an arrow notched just in case while the others looked around warily.

"Are you serious?!" Kenji asked as they arrived at the tree house's ruins. Didn't we specifically run away from here?"

"Just here me out" Darius pleaded. "There's a stream for fresh water, we've got trees and mountains to protect us from weather and dinosaur attacks."

Brooklyn cleared her throat causing Darius to rethink his words.

"Okay, not all dinosaur attacks.  But if you were coming to rescue a bunch of campers, wouldn't you check camp first. And we've even got supplies to build a shelter right here. Right Brooklyn?"

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