Episode 4: The Watering Hole

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Episode 4: The Watering Hole


3rd person POV

On the ground level of Camp Cretaceous Darius was taking notes of a group of compys laying on a blue towel sleeping peacefully. Darius jotted down some more notes before Kenji stomped next to the compys scaring them all off.

"Shoo! You retro iguanas!" Kenji yelled as the compys ran off in fear. Kenji sighed with relief as he grabbed the towel they were sleeping on. He climbed the ladder up to the now complete Camp Cretaceous.

Darius groaned as he followed Kenji up the ladder. Kenji got in the makeshift shower as Darius sat on the couch. Kenji turned on the water in the shower.

"ARGH! Does this water ever get warm?!" Kenji complained as Yasmina walked down the stairs, her leg fully healed.

"Five more minutes" Brooklyn groaned sleepily as Yaz sat on the couch. Sammy was organizing some of the canned fruits while Patrick was nowhere to be found as usual.

"Anyone know where Patrick is?" Darius asked causing Yaz to smirk.

"Wait for it..." She said.

Suddenly a body with a green hoodie fell faced first in the middle of the base shocking everyone except Yaz who just smirked.

The body turned over revealing Patrick's face which was full of pain.

"Ow." Was all he said.

"Are you okay?!" Darius yelled.

"Never better..." Patrick groaned.

"Told you you should've made your bed lower." Yaz said smugly.

"I had the top bunk as a kid. I'm used to it." Patrick shot back with a playful smile.

Suddenly an empty water barrel, thrown by Kenji, hit Patrick right in the face.

"OW!" Patrick yelled. Yaz glared at the shower where Kenji was.

"A little help please!" Kenji yelled. Yaz stood up as Darius brought the Barrel to the stream.

"I'm going to shoot him" she growled grabbing Patrick's bow and quiver of arrows.

"Yaz please no" Sammy said unenthusiastic.

Yaz sighed putting down the bow on the table.

"GUYS!" Darius yelled from their stream. Patrick stood up from his spot on the floor and grabbed his bow and arrows as he went down to find the stream completely dried.

"Where'd the water go?" Sammy asked.

"Why don't we ask Mr. 45-minute shower." Yaz retorted to Kenji who had joined them after getting dressed.

"Hey, looking this good is part of my brand, besides there's no way I drained a whole river." Kenji argued as Brooklyn jumped in the empty stream.

"Well, we cant just leave the stream empty. Unless we want to start walking 3 miles everyday for water." Patrick pointed out when Brooklyn's head perks up. She got out of the stream.

"Do you guys hear that?" She asked causing everyone to look at her confused. "It's that humming."

Everyone groaned.

"The river must've been drowning it out. If I follow it I can find..."

"The frozen patch of flowers." Everyone said at the same time.

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