16-thoughts, guesses, and everything nice

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It felt funny in his body as there was an odd sensation of something being drawn out of him. Yet when he opened his eyes, he realised that what was happening was the complete opposite, arm attached to an IV bag. 

Upon catching a sight of it his eyes widened, feeling stressed. The memories from the night flooded and the emotions he had felt right there and then were coming back like the plague. 

He couldn't have been dreaming could he? 

Pulling himself up, he felt his cheek and lip sting in pain, making him zap back into reality like a hit. If he was here now, then what about Jungkook? What had happened? The last thing he remembered was him getting stabbed

As the thought kicked in, he suddenly jumped out of the bed and ripped the IV bag out. Now rushing towards the exit, he pulled the door open only to be faced with Seungjae in the flesh. "J-jungkook- where is he- is he okay-

Seungjae raised his hands up in a motion and sighed. "He's fine- he's in the room right next to you, so just calm do-

"I have to see him- move." And just like that, the detective was pushed off to the side while Jimin opened yet another door to enter another room. Seungjae followed right after and stopped right beside him. "See- he's fine." Yet Jimin continued to worry as he pressed the back of his hand over Jungkook's cheek, only to watch him tilt his head slightly to the side. "Shouldn't he be in intensive care?" 

Seungjae sucked in his breath as he leaned his arm on the railings of the bed. "Sure- but only if he was intensively hurt-" 

Jimin gave him a glare to which the later rolled his eyes at. "He got stabbed. I saw it." 

"We know that, which is why the doctors gave him a full on check up- on both of you. And the wounds weren't that deep. I guess Hajun's grip wasn't as strong as you'd thought." 

Sighing in relief, Jimin held his chest and walked outside to take a seat right before his room. So Seungjae went after him too, and once he was out he grabbed the door handle to close it yet ended up pausing when Jimin told him not to. "I want to see him. Keep it open." 

Seungjae looked around and shrugged it off before taking a seat beside him. "How did you even find us?" 

"Well, I got a call out of the blue from Jungkook telling me that someone was attacking you. So I rushed there with my teaser gun and-" 

"You were late. What if the worst had happened?" 

Seungjae rose his hand up, shaking his head. "With a dull blade like that? Not a chance.

Jimin simply glanced at him from the side of his eye and went back to looking inside the room. "A blade is still a blade. It pierced his skin, didn't it?" 

The latter then sighed, now crossing his arms. "I can only reach so many with my arms. I'm not a hero." 

Jimin didn't comment on that but fell silent, not moving his eyes from Jungkook's sleeping body for a second. This all just felt too surreal and odd. And after having admitted to a bunch of things to himself in his mind earlier at the scene, he could only look back at it and accept the reality of things. 

But at the end, none of it would matter if Jungkook wasn't okay. Not when he had fought for him with such courage despite how Jimin had treated him. 

Now raising his legs up on the seat to hug them, he placed his chin over his knees and pressed his lips against the fabric. He smelled like the hospital. He didn't like it. And somehow, combined with the scene before him, he felt overwhelmed. His eyes now teary. 

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