Planet Vega

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Reaching Planet Vega usually would take a day or so, but with the Cube, it was only a few hours, granted Celeon wasn't there yet, but he needed to stop by a few planets before reaching his destination. Celeon had monitored the Cube to stop at a planet called Arlia, from what Celeon had gathered, it was currently under a tyrant regime that needed to be put to an end. Celeon disliked when civilians suffered because of one person's greediness for power.

Unfortunately, the current king was causing extreme damage to the innocent, and soon he will set his sets for other worlds. Celeon was going to handle this as swiftly as possible.

Celeon saw his destination approach, a marble brown planet. Thanks to the cube, Celeon would be able to bypass any sort of security without the King being alerted of outsiders.

As the cube descended into a nearby forest, Celeon looked around cautiously, he may have successfully infiltrated silently, but he still needed to be on high alert to be safe, nothing a little ki sensory couldn't handle. Celeon was the best when it came to sensing ki and hiding his own. The young Saiyan walked out of the cube and began to traverse the dense forest.

A bunch of wildlife could be heard up in the trees and in the distance, the main lifeform on this planet were insectoids, the Arlians, they're rather grotesque. Keeping the ugly bugs out of his head, Celeon marched until he was able to see a clearing, and as he walked out of it, he was met with the sight of the palace that held the king within it.

Celeon was gonna continue walking until he moved his body back, avoiding a deadly spear. Celeon looked from left to right, seeing the newcomers. They were all Arlian guards, but the problem was, why were they out here? He was sure the cube masked its presence upon entering the atmosphere.

Well, no time to dwell on that.

"So, what can I do for you guys?"

"Saiyan scum!"

Celeon rose an eyebrow at the guard who spoke. "I'm not here to fight, I just want to speak with your king."

The Arlian guards didn't buy what Celeon said and all went on the attack. Celeon counted four of them, each should be strong in their own right, but nothing he couldn't handle. Celeon jumped forward and flipped over one of the guards and back kicked him into the other spear, killing them, leaving three left.

"Kill him!"

Celeon continued to duck and dodge the attacks of the guards, before grabbing two guards by the head and slamming them against each other, but with enough force to shatter their skulls, killing them. Celeon turned his head to the remaining Arlian and scowled.

"Take me to the king, or die like your friends!"

The remaining Arlian soldier was quick to nod his head and motion for Celeon to follow it. Celeon made sure to keep a safe distance away from the soldier, he didn't know if he was going to pull a fast one on him or not.


Celeon and the soldier had arrived at the king's door, and of course, it was huge. The soldier pushed open the door and walked down the rugged floor, Celeon trailed behind slowly, taking note of the mass amount of soldiers that were lined up on the walls. They all looked ready to fight at a moment's notice. That was fine, Celeon would squash them.

"Well, this is a surprise, a Saiyan!" The one on the throne spoke loudly, his voice holding every ounce of arrogance known.

"You must be King Moai...I come to make a request."

"Uh..huh, what!"

Celeon snickered. "Step down as king...or die."

The chamber grew silent as Celeon spoke his words, the guards that were lined up on the wall all began to walk in front of King Moai, taking up a defensive posture in case Celeon attacked.

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