Evergreen episode 1 - The new house

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Evergreen episode 1 - The new house

It was a beautiful day, the sun was in the sky and there wasn't a cloud anywhere to be seen
“Wow This place is amazing!” Kawaii chan said looking up at the two story beige brick house with brown roofs,
Aphamu let out a laugh and replied “right? I thought you girls might like it” 
“Its looks good babe, good find” tera said hugging aphmau from behind, while aphmau placed her hands over teras arms
“Are you sure we can afford this place?” Katelyn asked with a bit of skepticism after all this was a very big house unlike the reasonably sized apartment they were in before
“Yeeaah I'm sure,” aphamu said a little unsure herself
“What do you even do for a living?” Katelyn asked
“Oh it's a uhh.. night job don't really like to talk about it” aphmau said
“Not even with us?” Tera asked
“Yeah come on, you don't trust us?” Kawaii chan asked
“Your the crazy cat lady that runs around with a camera taking pictures of me in secret, oh course I don't trust you.. but I'm willing to live with you” aphamu said
“Heh, fine, keep it a secret. We live with you now, so we'll find out eventually.” katelyn said walking towards the house to get moved in
“What… what is that supposed to mean katelyn” aphmau asked watching her sassily walk away
“Oh you know her always leaving comments that get into your head, anyway Imma start taking out stuff in” tera said walking towards the movie truck
“Can you get me my laptop babe?” Aphamu asked as tera gave her a thumbs up
“Cool” aphmau said entering the house and walking down a small hallway looking left their was a kitchen looking right there was a living room as she entered,
“would be a nice place for a big tv, mabey a nice gaming setup” she said walking past the stairs to a door which looped around to a kitchen and a back door which lead to a pool
“Going to get a lot of nice pictures of tera here” she thought to herself as she stepped into the kitchen area and walked through to the other side opening a door which lead to the basement, and across from it the garage door, and over to the right a door to a small bathroom.
“It's a good start” aphmau said aloud heading up the stairs and peering into another bathroom, to the left was a small bedroom, and to the right was another small bedroom with a closet.
Continuing down the hall she came into a room where katelyn had stacked boxes,
“Moved in already huh?” Aphamu asked
“Nope, these are your boxes” Katelyn said
“What! Why?” Aphmau asked
“Your paying the most rent, you get the biggest room, it's a word we call fair” Katelyn said
“But I don't need the big room give it to someone else who needs the storage” Aphamu said
“This is your room and that's final miss I'm dating my highschool bully” katelyn said
“She's changed for the better promise” Aphmau said
“Hun I don't care about that stuff, it's your life as long as you're happy that's all that matters” katelyn said walking towards the door
“Wise words” Aphmau said watching her leave as terra came in a few minutes later with sleeping bags and aphmau's black unbranded laptop
“Here you go love.” Tera said handing it to her
“Thaaank you!” Aphamu said taking it under her arm and slapping tera on the ass as she replied with a cheeky grin
“Ima head downstairs for a moment then i'll be back up to unpack” Aphamu said heading downstairs going around the corner as she eyed the basement
“Well might as well” she said heading downstairs
“Huh we got a wine cellar down here.. interesting” she said looking around past the creates
“Let's see, um.. What's this over here?” She asked entering a dark portion of the basement lit only by red mood lightning where she saw it.. the scariest thing she'd ever seen a shrine covered in photo of her and tera from highschool, and collage,
“What… What is this!?” She asked as a pair of yellow eyes began to glow behind her
“Does Aphmau~Senpai like it?” Kawaii chan asked as aphamus turned around to look at her in the darkness lit only by a sinister red light
“Kawaii~Chan likes to come down here to give strength to her ship!” KC said, letting out a creepy laugh. As aphmau screamed
She sat on her sleeping bag shaking her head as terra came out of the bathroom
“Uhh… is everything alright my alma?” Tera asked
“i don't think.. I'm ever sleeping again” Aphmau said
“Why not?” Tera asked rubbing her shoulders
“Kawaii chan has constructed a shipping shrine in the basement.. it's covered in photos of us.. dose she… watch us?” aphmau said
“Let her watch” Tera whispered sensually in her ear
“Your! Not! Helping!” Aphamu shouted

To be continued

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