Evergreen episode 3 - furniture, furniture and more furniture

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Evergreen episode 3 - furniture, furniture and more furniture

The sun sat in the sky as aphmau opened the front door and walked down to the nail box looking over at the guy's house.
Wasn't long before the peace was disturbed by a station wagon slid into the pm driveway, it was cyan blue, with paneled wood along the side
"Hey you can't park this here!" Aphamu said walking over as the window rolled down
"Everyone can relax I found the car" Tera said
"Why did you buy a dad wagon?" Aphmau asked
"Its the mom wagon now" Tera replied
"Is this even safe to drive?" Aphamu asked
"Hahahahah!" Tera laughed looking at Aphmau
"Oh.. you're serious.. Honey, it's a 1967 station wagon.. it's basically a tank with a cassette player" Tera said
"But why?" Aphamu asked
"Lots of space, kinda stylish, beach trips, why not?" Tera asked
"Where did you even find this?" Aphamu asked
"You see I could answer that.. or I could show you all the features on the way to get much needed furniture" Tera said
"Oo!" Aphmau said walking around the side and opening the door and sliding into the huge bucket seat beside her
"Yeah.. this is the life" Tera said as aphamu examined the dash seeing the two in one radio and cassette player integrated into the dash beside the steering wheel where teras hands were resting
"Wait If we're going to get furniture shouldn't we drag Katelyn and kawaii chan along?" Aphamu asked
"Probably honestly" Tera said shutting the car off and getting out, still dressed in her morning pajamas
"Did you really buy this in that outfit?" Aphamu asked peeking over the side
"Huh.. maybe that's why they gave me a discount" tera said with a smirk as she walked up to the you
"No.. I think it's because it's a piece of sh-" Aphmau was cut off by the front door closing behind tera
"Hmm.." aphmau said giving a smirk
a few minutes later katelyn, kawaii chan, and tera exited the house walking towards the car
"Huh.. interesting choice" Katelyn said
"Tell me about it" Tera said opening her car door
"Kawaii chan likes the color blue.." KC said sliding in behind aphamu as katelyn sat behind tera
"Time for a road trip!" Tera said putting on her aviators and reversing into the trash cans
"Whoops.. big car" tera said changing gears to drive as they began their slow drive down the street
"So how much did you pay for this?" Katelyn asked
"The original asking price was 15 hundred, but I talked them down to 13" Tera said
"Kawaii chan thinks that's a steal!" KC said
"Not that I know much about cars. But it seems like a good deal for this" Tera said as they drove
Rolling off the highway to runnin' down a dream. Their destination came into view a big blue monster of a building with ikea, written in big bold yellow letters as they slid into a spot taking up a space and a half for teras mom wagon as they got out
"Wow.. this place is so much bigger in person!" Kawaii chan said
"Well it is a furniture store" katelyn said as her phone vibrated
"Oo who is katelyn sama texting?" Kawaii chan asked
"Probably luka replying to my messages" katelyn said
"Ngl I kinda forgot you two were still a thing I haven't seen her since graduation" Aphmau said
"She went back over to california to focus on her passion for building computers" katelyn said
"Huh.. neat" Aphmau said as they entered IKEA
"Alright everyone stick together so we can't get lost here" Aphamu said as they began following the arrows through the store
"Beds are the most important thing" Aphmau said
"Agreed" Katelyn said
"Kawaii chans back hurts from sleeping on the floor" Kc said
"Yeah.. same" Tera said
They entered an isle filled with boxes of bed frames
"Hmm.." katelyn thought as her phone dinged lighting up the screen which was a picture of her and Luka with an update from.. Lucinda
"Huh.. what it's my old nemesis up to" she wondered opening up her cubebook and scrolling through her photo, as her eyes landed on a photo of lucinda in a red shirt, and beige jean shorts.. but riding on her shoulder was a 2 year old ginger baby that looked almost identical
"LUCINDA HAS A KID!?" Katelyn asked out loud as everyone turned to her
"Sorry.." she said
"Wow.. I haven't heard about her since... highschool, what's she been up to?" Aphmau said
"Apparently being a mom it looks like" Katelyn said showing the picture
"Ooo what's their name?" Aphamu asked
"...Luke? It looks like" Katlyn said
"How cute.. it's an l name" Aphamu said
"Alright that's enough baby talk let's get furniture" Tera said dragging Aphamu towards the bed frames
"But I wanna see de babyyy!!" Aphmau cried
The two looked at bed frames there were single frames and double frames in all different colors and materials
"Well what do you think? Wood frame, metal frame?" Tera asked
"Uh... well I want a white bed, but I'm not sure if I want white wood, or white metal.." aphmau said looking at the options In front of them,
"Well a metal bed frame is lightweight and easy to move when needed, and a wood frame is stylish but heavier
"Ehhh.... Let's do wood" Aphamu said
"Wood it is" Tera said grabbing a side as they sat the large box down on the cart
"O! Let's get bean bags Aphmau said walking away
"Hey wait for me" Tera said flowing
In a different Isle
"Kawaii~chan wants the pretty pink lava lamp" Kc said, watching it move up and down with intent to pounce on it.
"Well get the lava lamp" Katelyn said
"I will get the pretty pink lava lamp" kawaii chan said putting it in their cart
"I guess i'll do the blue one... on second thought" Katelyn said, grabbing a blue and purple one.
"Let's go look at desks!' kawaii chan said prancing off towards the desk isle
"Don't forget we need to get beds!" Katelyn shouted.
Tera loaded the bedframe and bean bags into the back of the station wagon as she climbed in on her knees to tie them down while getting everything tied down she felt a hand on her pajama bottoms before they were pulled down revealing a pair of panties that said angsty princess on the back
"Hey! Nows not a good time" Tera said looking at aphmau
"There is never a bad time" aphamu said climbing in behind her forcing tera over the back seat
"Look I get it you're horny, but we're in public there are better places where you can claim me" tera said
"Shhh." Aphamu said dropping her panties down around her legs and spreading her with her hand
"Ugh. Fine just make it quick" Tera said getting comfortable and feeling a wet tongue on her anal cleft causing her to shutter as it made it all the way down to her anus and then pussy
"mhh.." Tera moaned as aphmau licked her up and down
"yeah. Right there" Tera said holding her ass open for her aphmau pressed her face ago teras ass and began eating her out
"oh..shit yes.." Tera said laying her head on her arms and letting aphmau work
"mff...HUH!?" Tera gasped as something entered her ass
"Enjoy the butt plug!" Aphmau said sliding out of the back of the wagon
"Could at least tell me what it looks like!" Tera said sticking her phone behind her seeing the cat paw themed buttplug jammed in her ass.

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