Evergreen episode 4 The lonely computer nerd

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Evergreen episode 4 the lonely computer nerd

With a heave a old beige computer tower landed on a counter next to identical matching ones, priced from 300-500 dollars walking around the counter a finger with a chewed off nail pushed the power button on a black pc case made by rosewill, it quickly booted up to windows 10, with a screen saver of a field of grass hitting the spacebar the user popped up as 'Lukanaitor69420' as she typed in a 4 digit code that none would ever guess revealing an old photo of her and Katelyn at college graduation. She took a sip of her morning coffee, she was a bit more on the thicker side now. Her messy purple hair in a ponytail over her shoulder, massive nerdy black square framed glasses over her eyes with tiny flashlights mounted to the side, her outfit consisted of her favorite beige sweatshirt, which had a cassette tape on the front and faded letting that asked if you were feeling the rewind yet. A pair of denim shorts, and bunny slippers.
"Alright what do I have today" she asked, pulling up a list on the computer.
"Motherboard replacement, power supply replacement, computer not booting, PC build.." she said going over the list
"Guess i'll start with the power supply replacement," she said going into the back room with a package number on a sticky note, eyeing the boxes she grabbed one from the shelf slicing it open with a knife and pulling a black, and red PC case out, with rc written along the side sitting on the counter she pulled the side panel off. Inside was a very expensive computer
"Great Scott!" She said trying to figure out what the hell was what. She turned on the flashlights on the sides of her glasses
"what is up what is down, I can't tell my hand from my thig- never mind there it is" she said pulling apart the power supply cables, making sure to take pictures of everything she pulled out the power supply, looking at the big black brick,
"Well call me the greatest technician that ever lived because this is fudged" she said, yeeting it into a bin behind her and scrolling the back for the same power supply.
"And done." She said hooking everything back up. And plugging it in beside hers. Pushing the button the pc turned on
"Yeah! First try" she said as it booted up to a screensaver of a nude picture of a girl
"And! Now my eyes are burning" she said shutting it off going back to her list she checked off power supply replacement.
There came a ding as she looked at her phone with a text from Katelyn
"Oo! Wifey wants something to do with me today" she said with glee
She opened the message which simply said 'did you know Lucinda had a kid?'. Which Luka wrote back 'yeah I think I heard something about it. Why you jelly?' she sat her phone down as she looked at her list
"Guess i'll replace a motherboard next" she said as her phone buzzed again picking up her phone she looked at Katelyns messages
'No, I just thought I knew more about my arch nemesis than I really do, anyway how are things going.' Luka typed for a few minutes before sending 'oh about the same as usual, running my computer business and such and such, saving up money so we can finally get our own place, gotta start laying off on the doughnuts though, it's going to my butt and thighs' Katelyn was quick on the replay with 'well i'll be expecting a picture later then I suppose'
Luka rolled her eyes and laughed as she left a winkie face and went to grab the computer in question, dragging it over as she placed it on her counter. A white PC case "Oh nice, they already removed the old one." the had left the cpu and the ram nicely in a separate box inside
She grabbed a replacement motherboard from her parts shelf matching the one the buyer requested and put it safely on the counter. And applied the the cpu and the ram in a specific order before pasting the cpu, and putting a fan On top and mounting it inside the the case and connecting all the cords when her phone buzzed again she looked at the message which said 'i just want you to know that I love you, I know I say it a lot, but I really do, and I hate that we have to be long distance but I'm working hard to get contribute to a house too'
"Aww... wifey makein me go through the feelings" she said replying 'believe me I have never once doubted our love, i know you're doing your best, and so am i, once we have the money to support each other we will talk about moving into my grandparents old farm house" Luka replied plugging everything back in and plugging it in beside hers. She looked back at her messages where Katelyn had wrote 'thank you lou, means alot' and Luka replied with a couple heart emojis and pushed the power button causing the PC to turn on
"Yeah! First try again" she said shielding her eyes from what the screensaver could be, which was just a regular one
"Thank Irene" she said powering it off and looking back at her list
"pc build." She said with a hint of dread.
She grabbed a basics black pc case off the wall with windows on the sides and front behind her looking at all the parts she could use, as she began throwing something together as her phone dinged again showing that Katelyn sent an image
"Oh dear this can't be good for me" she said opening the image which wasn't anything too bad, just katelyn Infront of her mirror dressed in her jeans and a shirt that said normal is boring with her ass facing the mirror
"Nice!" She said while reacting to it with a heart and continuing to work on the pc
"You know what.. normal is boring" she said shining her lights in the case to finish hooking everything back up.
"She's waiting for a response" she said, picking up her coffee and taking a sip. Placing it down next to a box of doughnuts on the counter
"yeah she's definitely waiting for a response" she said picking up her phone and turned on the camera placing a doughnut in her mouth and a snapping a pic captioning it 'your next'
"Hahah I'm a goober" she said sending it
"Well that's my list done for the day" she said as her phone buzzed
"Oh boy here we go" she said checking her phone to see a message from Katelyn simply saying 'bet'
"Ohhh she is so asking to get it" she said closing up the counter case and setting it off to the side

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