Evergreen episode 2 - Settling in

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Evergreen episode 2  - Settling in

The morning sun rose behind the house as tera stared at herself in the mirror dressed in her yellow pajama shirt and orange pajama bottoms with mice all over them ass stuck upwards she yawned as aphmau came in behind her
"Good morning babe.." Aphmau said pulling teras pajama bottoms down over her ass revealing her naked ass
"Morning.." Tera said, sticking a toothbrush in her mouth, her left ass cheek was branded with a mark that said property of aphmau shalashaska - 2020 and her phone number jokingly written under it, if she got lost.
"No panties huh?" Aphamu asked spreading her
"I sweat a lot" Tera said muffled by the toothbrush in her mouth
"Well then let me cool you down" Aphamu said sitting on her knees behind her as she sniffed her back side taking in the sweet smell of teen angst and sweat
"I love you my angsty princess" aphamu said putting her face between teras cheeks and licking both her pussy and asshole
"Mhh..oh shit" Tera said while brushing her teeth
"Hmm.." aphmau said muffled by teras fat ass tera laughed as she shook her ass in aphamus face
"Make sure you enjoy every single minute of it" tera said muffled by the toothbrush
"Muwah" aphmau said kissing her on the ass as tera moaned lightly
"Your really good at that" she said brushing the bottom layer
"I've had my fair share of experience" Aphamus muffled voice said as tera spit out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth out
"Alright I'm finished" she said while aphamu stood up wasting no time she gave her a kiss
"Mhh.. I taste good" Tera said heading over to her clothes as she pulled out a pair of jeans and black crop top and sat down on a red cooler with a yellow rim around the bottom of the lid and a plaque that sis limited edition 1/1 and sliding her jeans over her pajama bottoms and swapping out her yellow top for the black one
“Oh.. my back” aphamu said bending over as it popped they made their way downstairs noticing a truck through the window
“Huh someone else is moving into the neighborhood’ aphmau said
“maybe we should go greet them” Tera said.
Across the street at the other house
“Well I gotta admit, this place isn't half bad! Definitely an upgrade from my old place.” Dante said
“Wad I tell you” laurence said as he and garroth lifted a rolling counter off the back of the truck
“Hey! Be careful with that” Dante said as they sat it down, it was made of mahogany and cherry and had a badge that said nonautomatic mobility Bar
“Relax it's just a counter with wheels” Garroth said
“It's not a rolling counter with wheels.. it's an island with wheels” Dante said
“Same shit” laurence said
“Gasp! Language” Garroth replied
“Apologies” Laurence quickly replied
“Can't wait to fire up the grill! This place is perfect for barbeques” Dante said
“Your right!” Laurence said
“howdey there, new neighbors! My name is Aph.., Garroth?! Dante?! Laurance?!” Aphamu asked
“Yo waz up” Laurence said
“Ohh…noooo please tell me you're just helping move these people in..” aphmau asked
“Yeah… no they look like their moving in” Tera said
“Apologies.. we saw that you were moving so we decided it was a good idea for us to move too.. and this place happened to catch our eye.. but we had no idea you were here” Laurence said
“..you give good liars a bad name” Tera said
“..it was worth a shot” Laurence replied
“Why hello there aphmau.” Dante said strolling over
“..what are you doing with your face?” She asked “I'm just admiring your beauty from here” he said
“No offense but I don't flow that way” aphmau said
“Oh! Your with her?” He asked looking at Tera who was not amused as aphamu nodded
“My apologies..” Dante said
“Y'all are starting to sound canadian” Tera said as the two walked away
“Well that's great” Aphmau said as they walked towards the front door
“Give them a chance, maybe it will be interesting” Tera said
“Mabey..” Aphamu said
“We need to take a trip to Ikea soon.. don't know how much longer my back can handle the hard wood floor
“That is very fair” Aphamu said closing the door behind her

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