Evergreen episode 5, Bewitched

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Evergreen episode 5, Bewitched

Lucinda closed the medicine cabinet in her bathroom moving her face left and right in the mirror. She looked tired like she wasn't sleeping well and a few seconds later she found she wasn't alone staring at the reflection of a werewolf female behind her, a decent looking girl with a wide waist and a nice pair of boobs that rivaled her own. The wolf girl flashed a grin as her fangs came out and playfully bit Lucinda on the neck
"Ow you kinky attention whore" Lucinda said
"I'm not a whore, in a bitch in heat" Melissa said
"Well eat my ass plug slut, I'm tired" Lucinda said applying makeup under her eyes to make her bags less noticeable
"If you insist" Melissa said grabbing ahold of the back of Lucinda's pants with her hand and ripping them open with her claws revealing a star shaped buttplug jammed in her ass
"Hey! It takes a whole 30 seconds to fix th ohh..." Lucinda said as the buttplug began to vibrate
She turned her head as Melissa kissed her slipping her tongue into her mouth and wrapping it around her tounge
"Mh.. you kinky bitch" Lucinda said with a muffled voice
"I'm not a bitch I'm your playtoy and you like it" Melissa said with a muffled voice as well
"Mhh.. you right" Lucinda said feeling Melissa grip the buttplug
"Oh iren-" Lucinda said as Melissa yanked it out
"You little shit" Lucinda said
"Oh please" Melissa said putting it in her mouth
She placed a hand on the side of lucinda's backside and gave it a spread
"You look so hot!" Melissa said sliding down onto her knees behind her and sticking her face between her legs and sniffed her ass
"Mhh.. is that how you say hello?" Lucinda asked feeling Melissa's tongue on it
"Oh!" She replied
She leaned forward as Melissa slowly licked up and down
"Yeah.. you know just how I like it" Lucinda said continuing to apply her makeup
"Come on you don't need that shit," Melissa said
"Bitch I look like I'm dead" Lucinda said
"No you don't" Melissa said kissing her butt
"Ass kisser" Lucinda said
"Oh anytime baby, any time" Melissa said
"Il even hold you down and fuck you right now if you want" Melissa said licking her lips
"Tempting.. tempting, however holding you down to fuck you silly is my thing" Lucinda said
"Oh I love it when you do that" Melissa said kissing her again
"so if you're up here, who..." Lucinda asked as if something had dawned on her
They peeked around the corner to see what they could only describe as a child, a boy barring a major resemblance to Lucinda with his orangish hair, and red eyes
"well I know what I'm doing today" Lucinda said snapping her fingers as her pants restitched themselves together
"Uhuh" Melissa said ripping the back of them open with her claw again
"Hey! I'm starting to think you're the demon here Ohh!" Lucinda moaned as Melissa stuffed the buttplug back in
"Who's making breakfast?" Melissa asked as Lucinda snapped her fingers summoning a wooden sign that said 'You' on it
"Fair enough" Melissa said grabbing it and slapping her on the ass with it
"Frick!" Lucinda said rubbing her butt
"Good morning mini me" Lucinda said sitting with her son as Melissa put on an apron that said 'don't make me poison you'
"Now where did I put that.." Melissa said as Lucinda waved her hand causing the spatula to come out of a nearby vase and spank her on the butt
"Hey now that is a cooking utensil not a paddle" Melissa said
"Anything is a paddle if you're brave enough" Lucinda said watching Melissa's head turn to a cactus by the window
"Most things are a paddle if you're brave enough" lucinda said again
"Measuring cup please" Melissa said as Lucinda gestured her hand causing it to float out of the cabinet but Melissa grabbed it before she could spank her with it.
"Cooking utensil, not paddle" Melissa said again
She dropped some steak bites in the pan while dumbing pancake batter in
"How many do you want master?" Melissa asked
"I'm not your master, but i'll have a stack to share with lukeas" Lucinda said .
"Steak bites or no steak bites?" Melissa asked
"3 plain, 3 with steak bites" Lucinda said
"I like it, I like" Melissa said licking her fangs
"You seem to like putting meat in a lot of things" Lucinda said, staring at Melissa.
"Yes I dooo" Melissa said
"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were a animal" Lucinda said
"Nope not me, I'm just a reg ol homan with sharper teeth" Melissa said
"A regular human with a fat fricken ass" Lucinda said
"awee do you like my ass?" Melissa asked shaking it while dodging another kitchen utensil
Lucinda poked lukeas's nose causing him to giggle and bang his orange colored baby cup on the high chair tray gesturing her hand causing a baby rattle floated over which she shook around in the air to keep the baby happy
"I wonder if there's a spell to put a baby in that body" Lucinda said
"Woah now," Melissa said
"This is not a mom body, this is sugar momma, your nice to me, and give me what i want, and in return I spoil you, and you get something nice to look at" Melissa said gesturing to herself
"Hmm.. give me some time i'll change your mind" Lucinda said
"You see the worst part about being the daughter of a businessman, is I can you have one hell of a conceited smile back there" Melissa said without turning around
"Noo.." Lucinda replied as Lukeas laughed
"One stack for you, and one for me" Melissa said sitting them down on the table
"Awe I was going to eat them off your ass" Lucinda said
"kinky but Helllll no,!" Melissa said
"So I was thinking after breakfast we could go to the park together? Maybe have a picnic?" Lucinda asked
"sounds lovely" Melissa said feeling Lucinda's hand on her thigh
"You've got to be the second horniest mom I've ever met" Melissa said
"Who's the first?" Lucinda asked feeding Lukeas a pancake bite
"Mine" Melissa replied folding her pancake up like a taco and eating it
"You should have made bacon for that" Lucinda said
"I.. fugin know right" Melissa said swallowing
"I have this amazing recipe for brown sugar cinnamon bacon. It's very sweet bacon but it tastes amazing" she added
"Oo" Lucinda said intrigued
"..You don't want the bacon you want me to be the bacon" Melissa said as Lucinda rubbed her thigh
"Do you want to fuck me silly before we go to the park?" Melissa asked
"Depends do you wanna be walking with a sore butt all day?"
"I've felt worse pains" Melissa said finishing her pancake taco
"Guess it's settled then" Lucinda said
A few hours later
Lucinda tied a bandana around Melissa's eyes feeling her shorts Get unbuttoned and pulled down revealing her pretty pussy covered in a un maintained bush. And no underwear to boot. She turned Melissa's head and kissed her on the lips standing there with her arms up feeling Lucinda's finger tiptoe across her pussy
"how's my sugar momma" Lucinda asked as her ear twitched
"..g..good" Melissa said feeling her ass get spread open
"that's good" Lucinda said pushing Melissa onto her ved, a queen sized bed with purple blankets and black pillows one of them being a white pillow with a chibified version of Katelyn printed on it
"legs up missy" Lucinda said as she raised her legs up over her head as Lucinda got ontop of her and began rubbing their pussy's together.
They both moaned and began kissing each other
"fuck..." Melissa moaned wrapping her tounge around Lucinda's continuing to rub their parts together making them very wet and aroused
"ohh... yess this was so worth it,!" Lucinda said
"Hoo..my Irene!" Melissa moaned getting silenced by Lucinda's tongue
"please.. don't stop!" Melissa cried as the bandanna was pulled off her eyes just to see Lucinda's ass come down on top of her face as she laid down face to face with her pussy. She wasted no time eating Lucinda's ass like normal until she felt a vibrator against her pussy
"ohhhhhh!" Melissa moaned being silenced by Lucinda sitting back on her face pushing the vibrator against her pussy And listing to Melissa moan under her. She could see her pussy wanted to cum, but she wasn't going to let it
"awwe do you wanna cum dear,?" Lucinda asked pushing the vibrator again her pussy very sparingly And sitting up abit
"Yes... please" Melissa begged
"Nah." Lucinda said smothering her with her ass again and continuing to toy with her pussy
"Mhhhhh!" the sound of Melissa's muffled moans continued
"Oh fuck this is fun" Lucinda said as Melissa squirted on her face
"Awe." Lucinda said standing up and leaving a barely conscious Melissa laying in the middle of the bed, black shirt covered in wet spots, and her shorts down around her legs, with a very satisfied face
"i think you've been bewitched!" Lucinda said dropping her wet panties on Melissa's face and walking to the bathroom

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