Evergreen episode 6, Candy man kidnapping

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Evergreen episode 6, Candy man kidnapping

Zane walked up the street to the girls house as he knocked on the door which opened
“Good evening my name is Zane, I'm in charge of the… Oh god its you” he said staring at Aphmau
“i don't know who god is but I thought you stopped existing after highschool” Aphamu said
“Likewise” Zane said
“What do you want anyway” Aphamu asked
“I am the head of the neighborhood watch..  and it's my job to.. welcome…….. furries into the community” Zane said
“You're the head of the neighborhood watch?... You've gotta be kidding me” Aphamu said
“What, can't someone like me be in charge of the neighborhood?” Zane asked
“Well I guess you are the first person that comes to mind when I imagine an hoa” Aphamu said
“Very clever. I see someone spends there life on reddit” Zane said
“Better then spending all day at goth topic,” Aphamu said
“It's hot topic thank you very much,” Zane said
“Anyways I'm here to let you know that if you have any problems, you can report them to someone who actually cares” Zane said walking away while laughing maniacally
Kawaii~chan opened her door which she had painted pink and had a hanging sign on it that said 'beware of cat - katelyn'. She stretched her back out and sunk her claws into the door and began kneading on it leaving more scratches in it
"Meeeow" she yawned making her way down stairs as she saw it, it... him like a knight in bubblegum armor, the pizza man
"Oh no he's so handsome!.. whi.. with his stunning hair.. his ocean blue eyes... oh and his smooth pink skin!" She said looking around
He was looking at his phone paying no mind. As she slowly walked away and came back with a bottle of chloroform and a rag
"Huh.. what is taking her so- wait what" he said as there was a thud
She dragged him to the living room putting a lampshade over his head as Aphamu walked down and around the corner holding a couple dollars
"Hey sorry abou-.. where did he go?" Aphmau asked looking around
"Uh.. uhhh.. he said the pizza was on him" KC said approaching her
"Oh really? Thats.. really nice of him, il half to leave him a review" Aphamu said walking over to close the door as KC dragged the pizza guy up the stairs before she could be seen
She laid him on her bed watching him rest lightly, contemplating what to do with him now, make up a story that she'd given him cookies and he has just suddenly drop-
Aphamu gasped asked as KC turned around to look at her then quickly back to the pizza guy then back and forth several times
"Is that... the pizza guy? Kawaii~ch-" Aphamu asked
"No!" She said jumping up and down
"I... I can explain I uh... I came downstairs and I was star struck! So I uh..ummm offered him a cookie but I think I gave him one of the..... magic sleep cookies that Lucinda showed me and after the... shipping shrine incident she thought you'd think she was crazy and kick her out. Kawaii~chan is so so so sorry" she said
"..it alright kc I understand, your my friend and I wanna work though the hard times together. I wouldn't kick you out unless you kidnapped a man against his will, now let's go set him on the couch.. and when he wakes up we'll just say he..... fainted" Aphmau said
"Thank.. you Aphmau senpai.. you're too good to Kawaii~chan"
"Now when were you going to tell me you had a love in calibur poster! There like my favorite band.. alright now come on I'm not sure how you lifted this guy up here but time to get him downstairs" Aphamu said
The two dropped him on the couch next to a couple boxes
"Look at the way he sleeps... he so precious" Kc said watching him intently
"Uhhh .." Aphamu said
"He's like a sleeping princess" Kc said
"Uhh... Kawaii~chan" Aphamu said
"Maybe this is destiny!" Kc said trying to kiss the man
"Noo. How about you don't and we'll just say that you did" Aphamu said pulling her over to a safe distance
"Maybe with a kiss he'll wake up!" Kc said approaching
"Noooooo!" Aphamu said pulling her back again
Zane walked up to the new house and rang the bell as the door opened
“Good evening, I am zane. I'm the head of the…” he said eyeing Garroth ,and Laurence
“Zane?” Laurence asked
“Baby brother?” Garroth asked
“Wait.. you guys are living across from those girls and their weird cat friend?” Zane asked
“You could have lived with us too you know” Garroth said
“..i already live here” Zane said
“What do you want anyway” Laurence asked
“Like I was saying I'm the head of the neighborhood watch and-” Zane said as he was cut off by the two breaking out into laughter
“No offense little brother, but you couldn't guard or watch over anything” Garroth said
“You know what.. if someone breaks into your house, or steals something. You can handle it on your own” Zane said walking away

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