Prologue: Back Then

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A/N- New book! I'm considering adding some mental health stuff that will have trigger warnings. But we'll see where this takes us :D. For now lemme know what y'all think.
W/C- 1638


I smile softly to myself as I walk down the school corridors on my way to my locker. The year's been one of the greatest I've had. My grades are high and respectable, relationship with teachers are the best its ever been and more importantly I have-

"SCOTT!!!" I turn to my left to feel a body fling into me, pulling my into a tight hug. I nearly fall in surprise but just manage to catch myself on the lockers behind me. Hope I didn't break anything inside I guess.

"Pearl! You're excited to see me," I leave the end of the sentence more of a question then a statement. She pulls away from me and I get a look at her face. Her hair is out of her face and flowing down her back. She's wearing her usual jeans and t-shirt but even in a simple outfit she looks as pretty as ever.

"...Scott were you even listening?" I snap my attention back and realise her arms are crossed as she looks at me, obviously trying not to laugh. A smile dances in her eyes as she looks up at me.

"I-Uh-" I stutter, trying to grasp what to say next. She smiles and let out a small laugh.

"You're such a dumbass," she lightly pushes my shoulder and I pretend to be offended.

"PEARL! How could you! Abusing your boyfriend! Why would you do this to me!" I dramatically fall to the ground, catching a few worried looks from around me. Whatever, as long as this entertains Pearl it's only a few people that'll see this... I dunno what this is but it's somethin'. After a few more dramatic words I stand back up, looking around as if nothing happened while Pearl laughs her head off. "Hey! What you laughing at?!" I say sarcastically.

The only response I receive is the shake of her head. As I went to speak again the bell for first period rang out through the long, slightly crowded, halls. "Race you to first period?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Oh you're on Scott you're on," She pretended to line up at an imaginary starting line, bending her knees slightly and getting ready to bolt and I followed suit. "On go. 3."

"2," I smile at her, copying her position and trying not to look stupid.

"1..." She waits for my call. I wait a moment to annoy her. 10 seconds pass and she stands up properly, turning to me to lecture me and possibly shove me lightly (AS A JOKE OF COURSE. PEARL WOULD NEVER HURT ME). "Sco-"

"GO!" I take off, dodging as many people as I can on my way down the hall. Faintly from behind I can hear Pearl yelling at me at how I was a cheater. All's fair in love and war I guess. I take a left, barely avoiding a teacher. I continue to run but flinch as I hear her shout at me to slow down. Hey at least I didn't get a detention. C'mon Scott, you're nearly there. I reach my class and look around at the half filled seats and enter to see Pearl- wait. PEARL?!?

"How did you.." I trail off, looking at her smug grin covering her face. She's sitting in her seat with both feet on her desk.

"Just get faster Scott," I start walking towards her, attempting to get to her ribs to tickle her. She winks at me as she shuffles into a ball, knowing what I was trying to do.

"Something wicked this way comes," She laughs, kicking out a leg at me. I swiftly glance towards the door, checking to see if the teacher had entered yet. So far so good.

"Excuuuuuse me?! Something wicked!?" I fain shock and betrayal. "I've never been so hurt! So offended!!!!!"

Pearl rolls her eyes. "Aw boo hoo love. Go cry about it Flower Boy," A smile tugs at my mouth at the nickname. I go to argue back when out the corner of my eye I spot the teacher enter. Before Ms Anderson can spot me I slide into my seat next to Pearl and attempt to appear like I had been like that before. I sigh with relief as she starts the lesson.

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