Prologue 2: Still Back Then

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A/N- yes there's a second prologue lol. Deal with it :D
W/C- 1563 


"Shut up Martyn," a voice hisses at me from in the dark. Okay, so what if schools going on right now. So what if I'm skipping. At least I'm doing it with my best friend- and girlfriend.

I turn to look at her from in the dark. "C'mon Cleoooo. I'm bored just sitting in the janitors closet. Let's at least skip somewhere more fun.... Maybe if we go to the library we can play the equivalent of hide and seek but with the teachers," I smirk as I say that, imagining us running around bookshelves with the librarian chasing us.

Even in the dark I can feel Cleo roll her eyes. "Fine you idiot but if we get caught I'm throwing you under the bus... straight under the damn bus. But we're not playing hide and seek. Let's just go chill out."

I hear no noises from outside the door so quietly I open it. Peeking my head out, I spot no students or teachers so I step out into the abandoned hallway. Honestly it looks quite depressing. The walls are tinted yellow over the years, random dents cover the walls as well as gum and who knows what that stain is.

"Hurry up slow poke," I hiss back at her.

"Oh slow poke yourself Martyn," she grabs my hand as she steps out. "Remember that time when you were skipping-"

"Which one?" I remind her sarcastically.

"Whatever," she ignores that I said anything and continues. "When you were skipping and you tried to outrun a teacher and ran into a damn locker."

I grimace at the memory. "Did not! You weren't even there so you have no proof!"

Okay so maybe I diiid run into a locker. But hey! That wasn't a skill issue at all. It was the teachers fault and the locker- yes I'm blaming the locker and you can't stop me! So long story short I did skip the class. But can you blame me it was maths! The teacher appeared out of nowhere and the locker jumped out in front of me. Okay whatever believe what you like.

"Actually Martyn, there's like 10 pictures of it. But you believe what you want," she winked at me and this time I roll my eyes.

Silently, we made our way through the school, nearly running into a few teachers but just managing to avoid them. Eventually we make it to the library and slip inside, immediately going towards the usual group hangout spot at the back. As we made our there a voice made me stop in my tracks.

"Why are you kids out of class? Huh?" I mutter insults under my breath in annoyance at the voice. Why do teachers have to ruin everything?

"Uhhh our teacher- principal- studying- um-" I stutter unhelpfully, turning around to be face to face the old librarian. The lady had to be at least in her 50's. Sections of her tight, slicked back hair were grey. Wrinkles covered her face and her eyes were piercing and ready to strike. Never liked this librarian anyway. I've been to multiple different schools and this one is the worst of the lot Unsurprisingly, Cleo takes over.

"Our teacher sent us here to study for a test we missed last week," Cleo smiles convincingly at the librarian. I honestly have no idea how she does this.

"Oh if that's so I'll leave you kids to it," she turned and hobbled away from us. As soon as she was out of earshot I turned to my girlfriend.

"How did you-" she lifts her hand and covers my mouth.

"A woman never shares her skills Martyn. You should know that by now. Anyway let's go. I got a text earlier from Etho saying him and Dubs would be there." We make out way to the back of the library without anymore interruptions.

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