Chapter 1: Definitely Not Back Then

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A/N- R.I.P Wholesomeness. You'll be missed for a while.
W/C- 3000 (woo a long one! Jeez)


I. Hate. That. Bitch. I wish she never existed. I wish she had changed schools when I told her not to. I wish a bomb would blow her house so fucking high in the sky. And no. I don't regret thinking that.

"Mr. Smajor? The question on the board please," I'm snapped back to the present by the teachers voice. I blink sleep from my eyes as I scan the board for the question.

"I-uh- the answer-" I stutter just as someone cuts me off.

"It's 838.539 Ms.," I look to my right to see her. Ugh why is she being such a goddamn know it all. Showing off. I could've answered that! She turns and makes eye contact with me. "Simple question really." Her voice is sneering and passive aggressive. I roll my eyes.

"C'mon Scott. When did you get so... dumb," she raises an eyebrow. "Oh also while you raise your IQ, have you been checking out your weight? I'd go weigh yourself tonight if I were you."

I feel my face flush as I turn away from her. Is that true? I mean, she's never lied. Is that true? Am I eating too much? She said that during the end of the relation ship so-

I sigh, turning away from her and trying to pay attention to the rest of the lesson. What felt like a minute later I heard the bell ring. I shove my things in my bag and stand up, trying to walk out of class as quickly as possible. As I approach the door a feel a figure shove past me. I nearly fall in the process of trying not to hit another student.

"Pearl could you stop-" I start.

"Hmmm no!" She smiles at me. Why is she making my life a living hell right now. I get we broke up and yes maybe I'm the part of the reason for it but it was like a month ago! During the holidays! A voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me its all my fault. That I'm the reason for all of this. Maybe it's cause it's all my fault. Maybe she's not doing okay as she seems. Ugh would my damn thoughts shut up.I watch her turn around a practically skip away.

A sigh escapes me as I make my way to the cafeteria for break. As I enter theI make sure to straighten my posture and out on a smile. Have to look okay, you know? I slip past the line of people for food before taking a seat at the table. Our group has stayed decently the same except for Pearl leaving. Grian glances awkwardly at me before turning back to his food. Great. I guess I'm not surprised he hates me too. Or maybe not hate but he's really awkward around me.

"Hi!" I keep my voice light and a smile covers my face. Fake? Yes. Believable? Also yes. Jimmy smiles back at me.

"Hey Scott! Did you re-dye your hair? Looks vibrant!" Jimmy points out. I redid my cyan hair in hopes it'll fix my life. Didn't but at least I look happy! So I'm not bringing anyone else down at the moment.

"Yep redid my hair. Was bored," I shrug. I nod my head towards the rest of the group as they take a seat at the table. I smile and say hi and im immediately answered with a series of hi's, hellos and sups. Everyone started eating the school lunch. I gagged a bit at the look. It's one of the better lunches but just the thought of food and the... calories is making me feel so sick.

I turn to Jimmy to chat. Before I can start he starts talking.

"Hey Scott why don't you have food?" He tilts his head slightly. "You okay? I mean that's a dumb question after Pearl but uh- you get what I mean."

I laugh softly at the end of the sentence. "I uh had a big breakfast this morning," I lie through my teeth. It doesn't matter. I don't need food. It's overrated anyway. Quickly I attempt to change the subject. "Uhhh so how was class?"

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