Chapter 2: Um... This is Awkward

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A/N- Annnnd new chapter! Hope you enjoy
W/C- 3133

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So uhhh. How do I explain where I'm at currently? The groups a bit... off. Let's just say some friendships aren't as good as they used to be.

Tango hasn't sat with us recently. When he does he spends the entire time talking about how much he likes this "Jimmy" guy or something. He still comes back sometimes but nowhere near as much as before. Me and Etho are... awkward at best. Having simple conversations when group situation calls for it. I want to talk to him. I do. But after the incident from the start of this year, I'm not sure I can bring myself to do that yet.

I look towards the entrance of the school, leaning against my locked with my headphones in. I'm waiting for Bdubs to show up so I can walk to first class with him and try to stay mentally stable. I am for now but Dubs always helps with that, whether he knows it or not.

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around, only to find I'm face to face with Etho. I stand there speechless for a moment. Oh shit is all I can think over and over again in my mind. "I-Uh," I stutter.

"Um hey Cleo. I just wanted to talk about... earlier I guess. I'm so sorry and I get if you're-" Etho gets cut off as a loud voice yells from below us.

"HEY TALL IDIOTS!" I laugh as I look down at Bdubs.

"Hey small, defiant, dwarf," I say casual but laugh once again as a look of absolute pure frustration and amusement that passed Bdubs' face. He use to be so embarrassed and self conscious of his height since like, forever. He was bullied for being the "short guy". The bullying had slowly escalated, eventually reaching the point of beating the poor kid up behind the school and taking his things. This was around the time he began sitting with us. We would question him about the bruises and cuts but he dismissed them, claiming he was helping out at his dads construction site and was just being clumsy. It was obvious no one believed him though.

One day I found him behind the school, curled up against the wall with a few dudes in black running away. Let's just say those guys don't live anywhere near here now. Now days he likes joking about his height. I think it helps him cope. I've checked he's okay with it multiple times over the years and he's fully on board with it as a joke.

"I am not a small, defiant, dwarf!" he laughs as he talks and I smile at him, forgetting Etho's still there. We make awkward eye contact before he looks away.

"Um, I'll go now I guess," I barely hear him as he mumbles. He walks away quickly, meeting Tango at the end of the hall. With a hesitant glance back and an odd look from Tango, they head to who knows where before class starts. With a sigh I turn to Bdubs.

"That was... interesting..." I shake my head with a small chuckle. I put on a smile. "How about we go chill out in the library before class huh?" He nods in reply and we head off towards the library. We walk in silence, making sure we don't bump into psycho kids on our way down the hall. We reach the library and walk inside, heading towards our room. I do a little bow, opening up the entrance while making sure we don't get spotted. I hear Bdubs chuckle at me as he walks in. I slip in after him, closing the door, and turning towards the room. As I do I bump into Bdubs who hadn't moved and was standing in the entrance.

"Dubs? You good?" I don't get a response. Odd. I edge my way past him and he moves to make it easier. Before looking inside I feel him grab my arm.

"Uh- You sure you don't wanna go somewhere else..." His voice trails off as I turn to see Martyn and Ren talking. They're both looking up at us and as I study Martyns face one thing becomes very clear. He had been crying.

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