Chapter 3: One Sided Story

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A/N-  For context this is Martyn's and Cleo's breakup
W/C- 2740

POV: Martyn
(The Break Up)

So me and Cleo have officially been dating for nearly a year now and I love her. But I'm second guess her feelings at the moment. Every time we plan to hang out she's "busy". I'm trying so hard to believe her, I really am. But my thoughts won't shut up.

I sigh, pulling out my phone and clicking on the call button. The phone rings a few times before she actually picks up.

"Hi Martyn!" I can hear a smile in her voice that makes me smile in return. She was actually interested in the call.

"Was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Just chill out and take some time to relax. It is the holidays anyway," I cross my fingers.

"Yeah sure!" I smile at her response. We chat for a while longer about our days and such. We haven't talked this long in a while. A bit later I can hear her mum calling her for dinner and she apologises saying she had to go.

"It's all good love. Cya tomorrow."

"See yah."

I grin to myself after she hung up. Damn this girl has me hooked. I check the time- 9pm. I sigh, deciding I should probably sleep as to not be tired tomorrow. I swear I only laid down for a moment and the next thing I know the sun is shining as brightly as it damn can through my window. I groan, checking the time.

"How the hell is it already 11. UGHHHH," I grumble to myself. My parents are out in the city at the moment for some "time to their selves". Basically saying they're sick of me so they want to get away from me. I'm not really complaining as it means I can do whatever I want.

Cleo's coming over at 12 so I have an hour to get ready. I shower, chuck on some comfy clothes and make sure the house is clean and soon enough the door bell rings. I make my way to the door and open it to see Cleo.

"Come on in my lady," I bow to her and she laughs.

"Much appreciated Sir Martyn," She took my hand and we walked in. We collapse onto the sofa and sit in silence for a moment before I spoke.

"So why haven't we hung out much this holidays?" I say. Not aggressively but more confused than anything.

"Oh I've been busy," the unfinished sentence hung in the air and I waited, hoping she would continue.

"Is that all?"

"That's all."

Definitely not convinced  I'll be perfectly honest. I'm trying to trust but I can't.

"Well if your schedule free's up would you like to go on a date? Friday night? 6pm?" I offer and she smiles, though not as enthusiastically as she has for other things.

"Yeah I should be free then love," The word sounds odd. Like she's trying to convince herself she's wants to go out with me. I inwardly sigh.

"Should we bake cookies? Last time they were amazing," She nods.

"YES!"  I chuckle and I pull her off the sofa and towards the kitchen, both of us laughing. Maybe everything is ok.

The rest of the day past and it felt normal. We laughed, cuddles- and yes we kissed. She left around 7-ish as apparently her dad texted her to be home by 7:20. She promised to be ready for our date in a few days time. I flopped into my bed with a smile.

Maybe our relationship was all good after all.


Friday rolled around and I was waiting at my house for Cleo to show up. She was already 5 minutes later and thoughts flew around in my head. Some reasonable, some not.

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