Chapter 4: Teachers Suck

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A/N- Jeez this took a while. Not fully happy with it. Will edit it later.
W/C- 3587!


A loud series of beeps wakes me. I try to ignore it, rolling over in my bed, burying my head in my pillow but it's just as loud.

"Stupid. Fucking. Alarm." I fling my arm out in an attempt to silence the alarm but instead I come in contact with the edge of the table. I yelp in pain, sitting up straight and trying to assess the damage. The area on my forearm is already red, so that's gonna bruise well. With a sigh I look at the time.

7:1- wait. 7:15! Shit. I'm already late. School starts at 7:30 and it's at least a 45 minute walk from my house to my school. And of course my alarm broke or I set it wrong. Whatever happened it meant the time was off. With a sigh I force myself out of bed. There's no real reason for me to rush now, after all I'm already late.

I grab whatever clothes I can get my hands on and change. I think I wore these 2 days ago but I don't really care. I make my way downstairs and glance around. Of course my parents are gone.

They're not bad parents. They're sweet and all but they never seem to have enough time for me I'll be honest. Like for example, they didn't wake me up for school this morning. Recently that seems like a regular occurrence. They go to work, leave me maybe a sticky note or sometimes a text. Sometimes it's like I don't even exist.

I grab my bag from the couch where I left it last night. Looking through the bag I can see a few school books and a half charged laptop from yesterday. That'll have to do for the day. My gaze flickers to the kitchen for a moment. I'm aware I should eat but I can't bring myself to. I don't need to. I don't have to and I don't want to. So with that I leave (at around 7:30), beginning the long walk to school.

The airs chilly, with a freezing breeze blowing down the roads. I put on my headphones and start blasting some music. The street is relatively quiet, the occasional car passing or children not yet old enough to go the school squealing as they chase each other up and down. As I near the school after about 50 minutes of walking I spot the coffee shot. Can't hurt to grab something while I'm there. I'm late already so doesn't really matter.

I walk in to the cafe, taking off my headphones and putting around my neck.. Quiet music plays from the speaks, not so loud that its blasts your ears off but not to quiet to allow an awkward silence. Glancing around I can see a few people hanging around, drinking hot drinks and eating the food. I walk up to the counter giving the lady there a half-hearted smile.

"Hi, what can I get for you today? Hey shouldn't you be in school?" She asks.

I shrug. "Woke up late so doesn't actually matter what time I get there." Sarah nods (Yes I saw her name tag). "Anyway can I just get a medium latte?"

"Coming right up!" I pay and she walks away to make my drink. I pull out my phone, surprised to find a decent amount of messages in it.

Ren The King XD: Dude, you're late. Teach is gonna be piiiiiissed

Fire Dude: Late... tut tut tut


I laugh at that last message. Bdubs is too sweet for his own good I'll be honest.

Ren The King XD

Ren The King XD: Dude, you're late. Teach is gonna be piiiiiissed

Sorry lol. Slept in :D>

Ren The King XD: How dare you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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